a probably 3 month old pig walked into my yard..now what?

have you eaten boar meat and if so it is good

  • yes I have and I did not know the difference

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no I haven't but would like to try it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • leave the pig alone and raise a boar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
OMG yesterday THE FREAKING DUCKS dug him out! ???? you guys know what I am saying right??? they could be food tomorrow but today they adore Bacon and he loves them! I cannot get my husband's engineering/inventor brain to turn off do something simple like "fortify the fence from the outside" he has it so electrified a fortress inside a spaceship that looks like something out of Dr Who….and Bacon has a lovely bedroom … but Bacon could care less about the shocky fence no matter how many volts it throws… he wants to be with the ducks and chickens period!!! Poor husband ..he is napping now LOLOL! yesterday was a run for his money..and I napped …right now he has my countertops in progress and is trying ….arrange his work partner's schedule to pour the concrete ..( sub floor to ceiling DIY kitchen remodel) and he works from home and this is his busy time of year …. when I asked him to " just fortify the outside of the fence" He fortified spaceship inside the fence …I caught the ducks digging Bacon out! ??? I wish I could do the fencing myself but I can't intrude upon this ..it is "his" pig really… I am just doing the reporting and having hysterics behind the scenes ..making sure everything else is being taken care of while husband reinvents the wheel pig wise .. . I insert your suggests into his brain so he does take the advice but only after he is exhausted! LOL! .thank you so much for being there ..I mean it I would have run screaming down the street!!!! husband and Bacon are napping ..obviously in two differing places LOL … Furgeson thanks so much for the encouragement and I can see how we are going to be feeding that much easily he hs getting a lot of rice eggs and skim milk powder as "extra" as well as loaves of bread that do not turn out right or are extra ..then the used cooking oil ….I feel reassured I felt so badly I was underfeeding him but it also goes against my nature to want something to overeat and get fat ..I do want a big FAT healthy pig ..baking with lard and duck fat are two luxuries I adore and look forward to if this kitchen is ever finished… I am sure you are correct thanks so much for the ID and Latestarter thanks to you as well I appreciate the help! I love dogs and I have a huge wussy pit bull who looks like a pig and wants nothing to do with Bacon sadly and visa versa ..bummer huh? he was so lonely since he lost his sister a year ago and this obviously was not the solution because WOW he is not happy about this situation at all ..Pit bulls are very vocal and he is telling us all about his displeasure with this current situation going on in his yard! …thanks again the bliss was broken Bacon is "OUT" again argh…is that drool over the ramen with pork belly I wonder? you guys are great and I am going to go chase the pig ..OYYYYYY what a mess how many more days until I am there? sorry if this is scattered I am trying to edit but my internet is "iffy" today


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
:yuckyuck :gig :lol: Sorry... I just have to say, I'm learning so much from YOU! When and if I do get pigs (I'll get a pair), I'll know everything I shouldn't do! LOL Sorry this is turning into such an adventure for you guys. Well... not really, I'm enjoying reading it as you experience it! You really need to shoot some video and post here and youtube :thumbsup

Thanks for the pic. Looks like DH used one of the interior doors inside there. Maybe that's the trick!?!?! Pull all the doors out of the house to line the "spaceship" some more!


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
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Blythewood, SC USA
Have been sitting back loving your adventure!:lol: I have been saying I could never raise a pig to eat, but I do love me some bacon! Your Bacon is certain making himself look more and more like food with all of his antics. Very funny, but by the time 6 or 8 months have passed, you and DH are going to be more than ready to chow down on him.:drool I'm definitely going to start with some meat chickens in the spring. Maybe in a year or 2 I'll be able to move on to a pig. My daughter will disown me for sure. She wants a pet pig and has already assured me she will not eat any chicken I kill. Go figure! :idunno

Also, we have 2 rescue Pit Bulls(4 yr old male, 2 1/2 yr old female) and are trying to teach him to be a herd guard for our goaties. I've had a lot of big and "bad" breeds over the years-chow mix, Rottweiler, dobie mixes, German shepherd mixes, but these are my 1st Pits. I absolutely LOVE them and know exactly why they used to be called "nanny dogs".:loveHe loves playing chase with the boys, but is such a baby and wants his Mommy(me, obviously) at night. I would love for him to learn to stay in the pen with them, since we do have foxes, coyotes, and even wild "Carolina dogs" around here. I'm still keeping them in a repurposed crib in my garage at night for fear they will be eaten since he won't stay out with them at night! He's such a weenie!:p (Any ideas?)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Lay a strip of that fence wire on the ground all around the pen. Secure with hog rings, purchased at a feed store or Lowes. There is pliers for the hog rings, easy to use and not expensive.




I use hog rings for everything. I put hoop coops together with hog rings and cow panels. Love hog rings!!!

Hoopy coop finished side view.jpg


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2015
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Baymule I am so sending that photo to my husband right now!!!


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2015
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Baymule my husband is going to do what you said ! thanks! he said he has hog rings and the tools he needs


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That picture was of the hoop run attached to the coop at our old house. I only have 6 pullets and 5 old hens now and built a hoop coop from scraps and scrounged materials. I built it to be moved, drag it around to wherever I want it. I need to take a picture of it and post it for you. It will become my grow out coop after I build a better coop.

The coop I built right when we moved (had some VERY unhappy hens crammed in a small carry cage overnight) was made of an old rabbit cage, 2 horse panels for sides, chicken wire on top, and a chicken wire covered 1/2 cowpanel for a gate. The girls really, really like the new hoop coop much better!


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
as soon as I am sure this saga has calmed down I will share the story of Bacon ..lets just say retirement in a quiet place …does not give anyone freedom from drama and stress ..oh no you can hide but it will find you LOLOL good grief my drama of late came pig shaped ..with a cute little Lithuanian farm girl by his side :) I thought I would share this photo because it makes me happy unlike what has been happening this week.

I will share this saga because there has to be a lesson in it someplace …geeeez everyone and bacon are all fine and in the yard this was yesterdays photo ..no worries on Bacon ..just worry about the world around us


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
?? OK, Have to admit I'm getting old and I'm lost... There's more to the story of Bacon than what you've already shared? And how does the Lithuanian farm girl fit into this? Please don't tell us that she's the owner, come to re-claim "her" pig? OK... Guess I'll wait with everyone else to hear the story.


Ridin' The Range
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
I am so sorry about the confusion! The "Lithuanian farm girl" is my granddaughter and just a cute interlude..my husband is Lithuanian and she got his tall genes and looks just like him but prettier obviously LOL. The server is not running very well and typing this is a chore I will cb later and see if I can type "the rest of the story" ..but little Bacon has turned into a "thing" he was almost pub food that is why he ran away