Herd Master
More hurts like hell actually!2 joule and some wet grass will put you on your butt
I saw a 6 joule one today at way I am letting that near me or my goats. OUCH!!!!
More hurts like hell actually!2 joule and some wet grass will put you on your butt
The problem with coyotes is they are smart, unlike a wolf. The best way to get them is with large steel traps in my opinion and a bait of bird or unused meat. Cat food is good in temperatures above freezing. With hunting any shotgun or rifle will do although shotguns do have limited range and 22. are small. A .222 is a great gun to use in this case. Another good solution is poisoning some meat and hanging it (out of reach of your animals or neighbors, which doesn't mean a tree just far enough from your animals and far enough from theirs.) where you see them travelling.
Isn't everything banned in California? ...............except taxes.........taxes.........Mfrantz,
You have some interesting ideas. I wish I could use the steel leg traps, but they are banned in this state.
Poisoning some meat? Ok, what type of poison do you suggest? It is probably banned here too.
And I hear you on the .222. Have a number of the .223's and I know they would get the job done, but, like you said, the coyotes are very smart and sneaky!
I can think of a few things that aren't banned in CA that should be...
I hear coyotes most every night and thankfully my LGDs do too. I so love those dogs. Personally I would be afraid of the poison, I am even afraid to poison the dang ground squirrels for fear of poisoning an innocent animal.