Jewel weed is great. Also, if you have spotted touch me not, squeeze the juice out and rub it on like you would aloe. It will dry and seal over the itchy places, helping it cure faster as well as stopping the itch.
If nothing else, rub some tobacco spit on it. Yes, seriously. It's got to be spit......the enzymes in spit help to break down the tobacco and make it work better. No cheating....hock up a good one.
Hubby ran into some poison ivy this weekend. He doesn't know where. He is so sensitive he can't touch a goat with bare hands if they have been eating it. He won't touch a goat with bare hands at all if he can help it. Poor hubby, he misses out on the goat lovin'.
Me, I can roll around in poison Ivy and rub it all over and I will get 2 or 3 very tiny blisters.
I got some jewelweed soap, handmade down in Tennessee somewheres. It seems to work well for him.
Hyland's Poison Ivy/Poison Oak Tablets work great. They are homeopathic so you can take them with other remedies. I ordered 4 bottles for summer. I've already had poison ivy this year too.
The Hyland's seems to keep it from getting bad. I don't itch as much, and the blisters are much smaller and are gone in 1-2 days instead of a week or more.
I bought is online (Amazon) cause it was cheaper than the store.