B&B Happy Goats....journal

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
but in my fantasy world...I picture about twelve like minded retired people sharing joint ownership of a large farm, each of us with a home on a half acre...sharing a huge barn and facilities and acerage to raise and grow all our foods, dairy, vegetables and fruit...totally self powered energy. ..and a common area to eat and party like crazy on the weekends...:lol:....yepper that would rock my world for sure :love

There is such a "community" in NC. And, Like you, I think it would be great if people could form such a working farm. Hey, vacations could happen, others could cover chores....you could share a garden. IF we on the forum all live near it could be a great thing for sharing.

!!....I spent 2days with ya and didn't get any ice cream.....:(......but, she didn't get shrimp or almost shot at either......:lol:..:lol:

I vote for the ICE CREAM!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Funny that you mentioned that Barb, because as I have gotten older, I have also thought that some sort of a joint type venture would be good.;) It would make it possible for people to stay "close" to the farming they like, and have the support and help like was stated; if someone wants to go away or something, there would be others to take care of the chores.:yesss:
I like to do the outside work, and love my cows. :ya:ya Hate to cook for myself all the time,:( and really, just looking at some of the recipes, on some of the Keto stuff, it would be nice to have a "common" kitchen where meals could be made and eaten. Like a boarding house or some type of thing. I have considered finding a "bigger house" and maybe trying to get a "house mate" or two... share some of the work and food. Especially if I could find someone who likes to cook and clean inside more,:fl:fl yet wouldn't mind the outside work too. Maybe I just need to get a "live in" housekeeper; room and board and meals, for x amount of work as trade, or pay a reduced rent for x amount of work in exchange... or joint equal payment for a place with work and sweat equity, balanced with other inputs.... You know, put a value on some things as some are much better at some things than others.... If I get my joints fixed... I will be an "old BIONIC" woman too.:celebrate:celebrate:lol::lol:

I'm pretty good at "providing" the raw ingredients, and even like for @Baymule , and @CntryBoy777 , and @Mike CHS , they all have a "better half" so there isn't that "being alone" and cooking and all so much as for those of us that are single. :hu But I have toyed with the idea of maybe having some type of "common kitchen" and cooking a couple meals and just having people come to eat...sorta like the old days boarding houses.... and making it a donation thing so that I don't have to deal with things like permits.... trade off some work that I can't do....just so that I am not cooking for one all the time. Know any singles that might be interested in it...

When I was active on "Farmers Only" , I "advertised" that I had the stock, animals, and experience..... just needed a partner. Kinda like having a "dowry".... I have "Equity" :gig:lol::lol: :clap. Had several from out in the west, contacting me and such.... but I really didn't want to move to someplace where there was 6-8 months of long hard winter and cold.

Some days I need another that "expects me" to do certain things or I want to slack off :th. Guess it is a 'depression' sort of thing, but most of the time I have too much to do to let it get to me. And some days I just don't feel like pushing myself. I think that it is partly due to the joints hurting all the time.:hit I hope that after the surgery, if it doesn't hurt so much, I will be more wanting to get stuff done.
I really am thinking about a garden again next year, I miss the fresh stuff. Plus one of my farmers son; (son and his wife) are opening a "local food store" which has arose from them selling beef that has really gotten bigger than they ever dreamed; and due to alot of dissention at the farm, might prove to be a good future for them if things continue to get worse at the dairy. There would be an outlet for produce there, without having to set up at a farmers market and such. Eggs too. Consignment or outright sale to them.... He did alot of produce to go along with the beef this past year and has many people buying beef and wanting more. Made some serious money and the demand for the beef has been real good. So after several years away from the food co-op that I used to supply eggs to, and some surplus produce from the garden, that always sold good... I am thinking again it might be a good "sideline" ..... :jumpy:jumpy . Just some things to chew on a bit.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Go for it @farmerjan! @B&B Happy goats will be the first to move to the community farm. :lol:

I like to cook, but haven't cooked for only myself in (oh crap, NOW ifeel freakin' OLD) forty years?? :old Gheesh, I've been married forever, even with divorcing my psycho sperm donor ex, I still had kids to cook for. :D =D

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, the NC community was a "shared" farm. There were lots sold for them to build and the farm part was community property -- similar to apartment or townhomes in a gated community, with HOA fees. You applied to become a member.

While each had their own "home" & yard, there was a community garden, barn, pastures, etc. Some people owned animals there, others just enjoyed them. Obviously there were rules & fees. Also a community meeting hall, with kitchen, etc., where they could have regular, planned meals and gatherings.

It is like FarmerJan says, you sometimes like to have another to encourage & just talk to. At times it is more pleasant to have another to help, even if you could do it alone. Then somedays you don't even want to see them! :D Living in your house, it's a personality check. I know some I could be fine with, some that would be a NO before asking to move in. :pop Everyone wants some privacy at times.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Well, we had thought of many things, situations, and possibilities this time last year as we decided to vacate by midnite Oct 30th headed somewhere. It takes a major committment of all parties to be able to compromise their "likes or dislikes" of food, handling of the animals, quality of work, and the ability to perform the work....and what happens to one if health goes south?
We all have good intentions, but the older ya get the more ya are "set in your ways".....not many wish to be "lorded over" or "overcrowded".....I mean that is why most live out in the "sticks".....we even thought about getting an RV and ride around visiting everybody.....but, we've already "lived on the road" and I don't care to be on the road, hopscotching from place to place....and what would happen if I had #3 and was left flat of my back?.....in thinking of Joyce, I relented to her wishes of where she would prefer to be if something happened to me.....so, that is why we are here. We had thought about renting a room from others and helping out with the "doings"..... @Latestarter had offered us a room for free....and I had thought about heading to @farmerjan to work something out with her for our help and assistance with things....she was so wonderful to offer us temporary abode, but it didn't reach that point, cause Joyce refused to go to Virginia....it was further away from both girls and they have winter there....she wasn't going any further north than we already were....I know how fast things can change and at this "stage" of life and health....I don't feel that I'm able to tend to things as well as I would prefer to do....and some days are spent in bed, or on the couch....it is mainly physical reasons, but there are some days I struggle with "just don't care anymore"....so, I get "grouchy" at those times and am not pleasent to live with....I sure wouldn't want to put any of ya tbru any of that....:)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We all have our work days and off days. We usually hit it hard, then DH has to have an off day. I need a little rest, but I'm 10 years younger, so don't need a full recharge on the batteries. LOL It is supposed to be drizzly all day today, do I will find things to amuse myself.