B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mel was lost without Joe, he didn't know what was going on. How do you explain to a dog that his Master is never coming back? Barb, you gave him the love and care he needed for him to regain himself, learn to love again and he would have been very happy to stay with you and Leon. There is nothing selfish about you, while y'all are making your plans for the next phase in your lives, there was Mel. With your big heart, you found him the perfect home. With Mike and Teresa is where he is meant to be. You were the transition that Mel needed so badly. Be proud that you were there when Mel was lost and confused, he needed you. Just look at him now! He's so happy and you are the reason for that.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Unfortunately none of us can control the health issues that we face and must accept and the tough decisions that have to be made when they arise in our lives. The best we can do is to attempt to make the best decision that we can at the time one has to be made. If we had to go back in time a year and a half ago, I wouldn't have done things any different....I would've held on to the Boys just as I did then. It was very difficult to part with them even though it was getting harder to meet their needs because of my health. However, since I couldn't do that, it was best to let them go, since we had to leave....it truly is like having your heart and soul ripped from ya. I haven't kept up with them, because I prefer to just have my memories and not 2nd guess those we gave them to....especially after we found out about the ducks. Mel is a very special dog and though he has traveled a bit, he will make the best of any situation. You, my friend, have healed his heart of a major loss in his short life and have given him a new life with purpose. He is well on his way of conquering another "hurdle" in life as he learns a new "normal" with Mike and Teresa. One thing that has made that transition much easier for him is Maisy, she has stepped up to welcome him and encourage him to be what he has become today. Your kindness and patience through his loss of Joe has healed his heart and renewed his energy for life as a LGD. I'm just thankful to have met and made friends with him along his way....:)