B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
We unfortunately had to go to wally world.., and on the way out they have THE person who checks your receipt to make sure your not stealing...... i told THE person and my husband...I AM DONE WITH WALLY WORLD...done, done, done.... will not support a mega force anymore... you are assumed to be quilty of shoplifting groceries till THE person, (who does not check the cart to the receipt ) says you can go..... will go across the street to Winn Dixie and pay a little more.
My wife used to work there, not so many years ago. 2014 I believe. Very little theft by customers takes place by placing stolen items in the cart or bag......it most often takes place by the customer hiding items on their person...pockets, under coats, down their pants or in handbags etc.

The employees at the exit door weren't actually checking to see if the customers are stealing. They were checking to see if their cashiers are scanning and ringing everything up. Their profit preservation analysts were telling corporate the company was losing way more $$ because of sloppy cashier work than they were from theft by customers. The door person may occasionally catch an instance of customer theft, but it's really rare and that's not what they were placed there to do.

Catching thieves happens out on the floor and it is done by "loss prevention associates" randomly walking around and/or at direction of another employee in the security room..watching camera monitors. By the time the would be thief gets to checkout, security is already waiting for them and the local PD is already on their way.

What effect the new auto scanners will have on all this is unknown.
Very soon, (ostensibly within 5 years) nothing will be 'rung up' or manually price scanned at walmart. Smart carts will auto scan everything as you place it in the cart and all the customer will do is bag it and pay for it at a kiosk. Not sure how 'by the lb' items (fresh produce) will be handled.

Unfortunately for honest shoppers, a decades old and accepted common law 'something' called Shopkeeper's Privilege comes into effect. It basically states that a business such as walmart has the right to do certain things to prevent theft and some states also have enacted statutes codifying Shopkeeper's Privilege. Your state is one of them and my state has as well and gone a step further and has legislation that says anyone can stop another if they have reasonable belief that a crime has been committed. It all hinges tho, on the phrase"probable cause to believe that a retail theft has been committed".
Numerous lawsuits have been filed by honest customers on the basis of harassment and 'false imprisonment' and it is a very difficult case to prove.

I hate walmart with a passion, tho the "Stop that paying customer!/show me your receipt" thing is way down the list of reasons.
I don't think the older gentleman that glances at the receipts at our local walmart can see well enough to even read the receipt.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
It just amazes me that people cant drive to the dump to dispose of thier trash.
We have only 1 landfill in Vermont, way over in the NE. There are "transfer stations" but because the people in my town chose not to join the "solid waste district" we can't use it. Trash is in our taxes but that is "barrel trash". I guess you can try to figure out something with the hauler to take bigger stuff though I'm not sure how. The guys on the trucks surely are in no position to make such decisions. Thus I'll have to rent a dumpster to get rid of the non metal stuff I find around the place. Of course back when all the stuff I'm finding just into the woods was dumped there, there were plenty of county if not city/town dumps. So yeah, just laziness.