B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
If that happened here Id lure them into my barn, put them in my stall, and keep them there til I could get a pen built. (learned this trick from @Baymule.)
If he came looking for them Id say havent seen them but I found a bunch of strays Im keeping. Seems to me the owner wasnt taking care of them and let them loose so they wouldnt get arrested for animal cruelty and neglect. Betcha he would turn around and leave if they heard that.
I hope animal control does something. Its not thier fault they have an idiot owner who obviously cant care for them.


Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
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Leave a trail of boiled eggs(@Baymule trick) to lure him into the barn. Or bread, something to entice them. Wait for them to go in to get the big tub of food you left in a stall and slam the door shut. Or if you have a trailer, do that like Baymule does. Seems to work great. Feed up the ones you want for freezer camp and sell the rest. Yeah, this guy has no business owning animals. You can only hope he gets banned from owning animals in the future.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Leave a trail of boiled eggs(@Baymule trick) to lure him into the barn. Or bread, something to entice them. Wait for them to go in to get the big tub of food you left in a stall and slam the door shut. Or if you have a trailer, do that like Baymule does. Seems to work great. Feed up the ones you want for freezer camp and sell the rest. Yeah, this guy has no business owning animals. You can only hope he gets banned from owning animals in the future.
Just make sure the legal owner of the animals gives his/her ok to do this.
(Baymule legally obtained the big boar when the previous owner no longer wanted him)
In many states, keeping an estray is the same as livestock theft. May be a felony, or in the case of simply refusing to allow the legal owner to enter your property to get the livestock, a simple misdemeanor.
In every southern state's estray laws I've seen, the entity to be called for large & small estray livestock is the sheriff's dept.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
every estray situation is unique and there's rarely any two that can be settled the same way and not many can be settled outside involving the law. I'll have to go back and re-read what you've posted regarding the guy and his animals, but I will say I never bother with animal control at all when it comes to livestock.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Is Florida a state that uses County Constables?
(not all states do and their duties aren't always the same, state to state)
In some states, a county constable is nothing but a process paper server...works for the courts.
In other states they are a true arm of the law, an official that has all the law enforcement powers that the Sheriff Dept does, but on a 'closer to the people' level. In my county, my precinct constable is the go to guy for livestock problems and disputes between neighbors. Most of the constables I know and have known will be discreet about things, keep the complainant's name out of discussions with whomever is causing the problem. I know my constables real well, as they've been out here loading up marijuana from a helicopter. Same with the high sheriff.he lives right down the dirt road from me. I know him well enough that I attended his dad's funeral last year.

How to proceed?
The big problem is you are concerned about retribution....boar guy doing you harm of some kind. You have to decide how much emotional investment you can risk.
I am not much on punishing or shooting domestic animals that are just doing what domestic animals do..especially livestock. It's not their fault most of the time, it's the owner's fault for not containing them. I'm not saying I won't get out the .270 if I have to (have before) but I prefer not to.

1st, do some research to find out specifically what your county's stock (fence) law says about restraining livestock. Fla may be one of those states that has enacted a statewide stock law. You may have to do some leg work to find this, as many county clerks don't even know where to find it. How it is worded, is important. Some stock laws I have read put the burden of containment on both neighbors. :he

I recommend you and the other neighbor (the ones behind you that had to keep other neighbor's boar from reaching their animals) get together, and arrange to physically meet as a group with whatever law enforcement is available..person to person, nose to nose, eyeball to eyeball. Insist, on it being someone with constable level or sheriff dept..not the dog catcher. Meet on neutral ground away from your bad neighbor's prying eyes if you are that concerned about retribution. Know his name and correct address. Have a list of times the guy's stock got out, what he did about it, and how many times they escaped. Dates will further your cause..photos even more so.
You have to establish with the official, a pattern..a timeline of bad behavior, not just a 'one time' thing.

At your age, I suspect you have a family attorney that handles your legal matters. Drop by, ask where you stand legally and from a civil litigation stance. More often than not, all it takes to get a moron's complete attention is a certified document with an attorney's letterhead, a short blurb explaining what will happen of he doesn't straighten up and fly right. If you can't teach him a lesson in civility, teach him one in economics..or at least threaten to.