B&B Happy Goats....journal


Overrun with beasties
Dec 17, 2019
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BACK TO THE COUNTRY. ...AGAIN, .....i guess, i have found home again, where my heart is happy and my interaction with humans are by my own choice. The best part of being retired is living life the way you want to ....instead of the way you need to live.... we found our place "in the middle of nowhere" , surrounded by cows, goats, and all kinds of farm animals, ... with the human homes far enough away....and in the middle of it all was a sign that said ...for sale.... To me it was heaven, i could live around all the animals, watch them and enjoy them , I didn't even have to get up and feed any of them,... fantastic ! ...For my husband...he looked at me like i was a total nut case and promply said...they don't even have internet here, WTH are you thinking, we are too far away from stores, and there is alot of work to do here, OMG...are you serious ? And two years later, we are happier than ever....we have our ND goats, chickens, rabbits, two dogs and a very brave cat....my husband freaked at the thought of getting goats, now when i am looking for him, and he appears to be among the missing, i look out the window and find him sitting with the goats, patting, giving them a treat and talking with them, ....a love affair with goats has developed for him...and that makes me happy.
Welcome back... This is the life for use. nothing else comes close... hope to hear from you more.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
Dang, I would get those Nz rabbits if I were set up for them outside. My parents have raised rabbits for over 30 years now and NZ are the best mothers (sometimes aggressive and protective), fastest growers, healthiest, heartiest, best meat to bone ratio. Californians were dopey and got too big (but were easy to handle and friendly if you could lift them out the cage door), but they were second best, and terminal crosses of the two breeds created the best of both worlds.
Rabbits make me itchy and sneeze, but home bred and grown rabbit brined for 24 hours and cooked to perfection is great. And if all else failed, I could make an itchy car ride to "Grandma's house" for a visit and give my dad back some of his favorite breed of buns and their cages. I think they mainly have pedigreed show lines mini rex and rex/nz crosses now. New Zealands were their favorite. Some of the high quality lines have bunnies built like bricks and about as heavy. I'm surprised people are flaking on you for them. Are rabbits not "cool" anymore?


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Supposed to have a guy come around 6:00 today for all the NZ rabbits.....time will tell if this one shows up :fl
Had to worm the dogs today as my poop eater Lilly had some in her poo, I had wormed them on the 13th of this month with regular dog wormer, so this time I used safe guard and will do the three days as was recommended on a dog site. At least this will get a better kiil of more types of worms....maybe she will stop eating the nasty poo after she is cleaned out :fl
Muggs ate his poop when he first came to us. I tried everything! Even that stuff you put in the food to make the poop yucky smelling. It didn’t work. Eventually I just went out and scolded him if he did it. Then I just took him in as soon as he pooped. I realize that’s not an option for you. Anyway much later I read they eat poop if they are missing a mineral in their diet. I have no clue if it’s true. Muggs was new and he stopped a few weeks after getting him. Maybe it was better dodge food in his case? I’m not saying give her better dog food. I’m absolutely certain your animals get top of the line!!! But, perhaps give her some cooked veggies? At any rate. Good luck with this issue. It’s certainly not fun. ;(.

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