B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Dang, I would get those Nz rabbits if I were set up for them outside. My parents have raised rabbits for over 30 years now and NZ are the best mothers (sometimes aggressive and protective), fastest growers, healthiest, heartiest, best meat to bone ratio. Californians were dopey and got too big (but were easy to handle and friendly if you could lift them out the cage door), but they were second best, and terminal crosses of the two breeds created the best of both worlds.
Rabbits make me itchy and sneeze, but home bred and grown rabbit brined for 24 hours and cooked to perfection is great. And if all else failed, I could make an itchy car ride to "Grandma's house" for a visit and give my dad back some of his favorite breed of buns and their cages. I think they mainly have pedigreed show lines mini rex and rex/nz crosses now. New Zealands were their favorite. Some of the high quality lines have bunnies built like bricks and about as heavy. I'm surprised people are flaking on you for them. Are rabbits not "cool" anymore?
They are here... I have 32 and counting!! :)