Be forewarned... he's a fairly dangerous man... and well armed, with training. 

They are open, anyone can read. Only members can post. That is why people generally aren't real specific about their locations.
Be forewarned... he's a fairly dangerous man...
To HONEST people. It don't mean crap to dishonest people.A closed gate around here means "do not bother" open gate means" come on in"
Not in the case of what we are discussing..the shooting death of an uninvited intruder.Unfortunately , the truth is i was contracted through a company for a while that my job was to pick up deceased people, i would take people out of cars after a accident, hospice deaths, hospital deaths, at home death, overdoses, drownings, hangings etc.. then take them to either funeral home cooler or the crematorium. ..alone at night or day. In florida, IT'S The familys responsibility to clean up....and as far as sherriff, one sherriff covers 864 square miles here in our county.. , population of 16,637 thats our entire county stats....the law is in your own hands here....our neighbors look out for each other, and we all know we are in a bad situation. So we lock, load, and look out for each other, because the law is not comming till after the fact. So unless i clean up...the buzzards would get here before the sheriffs dept. , unless i wanted to dirty my truck and feed gators in the river....and everyone of my neighbors would help me do it !