B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
More meth heads here than loggers and river rats nowadays.
I'm pretty far out in the boonies myself.

I know all about dopeheads and I ain't scared of them and I simply refuse to live in fear behind lock and key 24/7. Took this picture from my back steps a few years ago, as DEA needed a cleared place to helo in 14,000lbs of marijuana they found growing in the forest accross the road from me. You can see the long sling line below the helo if you look close.


I've been on a county grand jury here. For over a month, case after case, probably over 95% of them were meth and pot related crimes.

As they say, Dying is easy, living is hard. The objective is to do a LOT of one and only a little of the other while living free, not behind bars and gates like a prisoner on your own place like they do in cities in gated & walled communities.

I built an xtra fence the full width of 80 acres on the inside of my drive so I wouldn't have to stop and open gates on my way in or out of my place, and I sure ain't going to waste that effort & $$ by still getting in and out of my vehicle opening, closing and locking gates.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Won't bother me one bit to shoot someone on my property. Been tamed some since the old days, but I can get wild again. If they want on your (or my) property, they're going to come regardless. Shut gates, walls, fences and locks only keep the honest people out.........or dishonest people in. Most thieves don't come thru a gate....they cut the fence wire somewhere out of sight and carry or drag the stuff to a nearby road where they left a vehicle.

In farm & ranch country, if you come to a driveway with a shut & locked gate, it's a high probability that no one is home, as everyone leaves the main entrance gates open and unlocked 90% of the time. I cannot remember the last time I shut that gate........been several years for sure. Lock is probably rusted up.
I do lock the doors of the house at night, but only to give us a few seconds to click off safety, and do lock the shop to enable an easier insurance claim. Sometimes we lock the vehicles in the driveway, sometimes not.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
A closed gate around here means "do not bother" open gate means" come on in"
To HONEST people. It don't mean crap to dishonest people.

The Sheriff's Dept Forensics team and the coroner's office will clean up the mess.
Anything left, the buzzards, bacteria, and worms gotta eat same as you and I.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Seems like you shouldn't digress when you want ingress and egress @greybeard ;)
First house I bought had ingress and egress rights to a nearby beach (lake). I had to ask the lawyer what those words meant:gigShe said it means you can walk down the private road to the beach. There were a bunch of SMALL cabins on the lakeshore. Rent for a week in the summer was the same as for a month in the winter.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Unfortunately , the truth is i was contracted through a company for a while that my job was to pick up deceased people, i would take people out of cars after a accident, hospice deaths, hospital deaths, at home death, overdoses, drownings, hangings etc.. then take them to either funeral home cooler or the crematorium. ..alone at night or day. In florida, IT'S The familys responsibility to clean up....and as far as sherriff, ....lol one sherriff covers 864 square miles here in our county.. , population of 16,637 thats our entire county stats....the law is in your own hands here....our neighbors look out for each other, and we all know we are in a bad situation. So we lock, load, and look out for each other, because the law is not comming till after the fact. So unless i clean up...the buzzards would get here before the sheriffs dept. , unless i wanted to dirty my truck and feed gators in the river....and everyone of my neighbors would help me do it !
Not in the case of what we are discussing..the shooting death of an uninvited intruder.
They won't just leave the body and body parts laying there in your yard or home.
It's evidence and (by law) will be picked up by the county coroner's/ME office to be taken in for autopsy and/or other forensic examination.
That applies to the following causes of death:
Sec. 406.11,F.S., & Ch. 11G-2 FAC

The Medical Examiner is required by law to determine the cause and manner of death when a person dies in (the jurisdictional) Counties and that the death meets one or more of the circumstances below:

  • 1. Of criminal violence
  • 2. By accident
  • 3. By suicide
  • 4. Suddenly, when in apparent good health
  • 5. Unattended by a practicing physician
  • 6. In any prison or penal institution
  • 7. In police custody
  • 8. In any suspicious or unusual circumstance
  • 9. By criminal abortion
  • 10. By poison
  • 11. By disease constituting a threat to public heath
  • 12. By disease, injury or toxic agent resulting from

Almost all counties have just one Sheriff. They each (the Sheriff) have sheriff deputies tho, and most have reserve deputies, and the number varies, depending on the area and population of the county.
The average # of Sheriff Dept law enforcement officers for Florida as a whole is 1.72 officers per 1,000 population, with the concurrent (incl local & state officers) being 2.5 officer per 1000 residents. The national US average is 2.2 per 1000 residents.

Your county, has 16 full time Sheriff Dept Law Enforcement officers (not including admin or reserve officers) serving just over 15,000 unincorporated residents (meaning persons living in an area not also served by a local police dept) (15,073 to be exact as of the most recent (2016) report to FDLE (Fla Dept of Law Enforcement) , all of which means your Sheriff's dept has 1.06 on duty Sheriff dept officers per 1000 residents and if other local/state officers within that county jurisdiction are included, there are 2.72 officers per 1000 residents, which places your county officer per 1000 residents well above the Florida state and the national average..in other words, with all other things equal (they are).. your county is only short .66 or sixty six one hundredths (66/100s) of a sheriff deputy to be on par with the rest of the state.

(We all like to think where we live, our situations and even our individual selves to be 'unique'. For 99.99% of us, we are simply ( by the very definition), only 'average'. )
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Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @B&B Happy goats,

Thank you for sharing your story, and of what you do to make yourself feel more secure. We keep our gate closed -- we have an automatic gate opener and closer. It merely stops most of the honest people. Even recently, when I told someone they could come and bale the hay, when I did not get the text message that they were on the way so that I would open the gate for them, when they got here they simply disconnected the gate opener from the gate and came on in. I didn't mind them doing that, as our cell phone service is quite spotty here.

We live at the end of a long driveway (~1/2 mile), and I have been unable to find any cameras, either wired or wireless, that will let me connect with them that far away. I could of course get game cameras, but that wouldn't do any good if I wanted to see them in real-time. So we are out of luck for security at the gate. So we use the gate opener to discourage curious folks from simply driving up the driveway. It wouldn't stop the determined from doing so. But that is also the reason I protect this place by means of the second amendment. I am confident you do as well, as does Mr. @greybeard.

Senile Texas Aggie