Baby Nigerian goats! :-)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Really SO glad to see you back Totes! Was really worried about you as I know how much this had to hurt! So soon after getting them and being so attached. You'll never forget them or what happened, but the pain will dull over time and you'll remember the fun times you had with them, if even for such a short time.

Super happy that you aren't giving up! Some new goats won't replace what you had, but will allow you to start all over creating new happy memories! It's a terrible thing to say, but I'm glad that dog is no longer with us. I love most dogs and have absolutely nothing against pits. What I DO have a problem with is incompetent, indifferent, inept dog owners who's animals hurt the innocent. I hope the police find the owners. They should pay damages as well as any fines associated with not controlling their dog.

Just go over your enclosure as best you can and make sure you've got it battened down as best you can. One thing you might consider is laying down an apron of 2x4 wire all the way around the outside extending out say 2 feet. You can hog ring/clip it to the bottom of the existing fencing then spread dirt over it and let grass grow up through it. If any areas won't stay down (worry about hitting it with the lawn mower) you can use landscaping nails (hook at top) to pound it down and hold it. This will prevent any predators from digging under or slipping under the existing fencing. This is what many of us do around our chicken coops and runs. You may have read about it over on BYC.

Keep in touch please and share some pics of the new couple when they arrive! Hang in there! We're all behind you on this!


Herd Master
Apr 10, 2015
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Upper Michigan, USA
So glad to hear from you Totes, and know that you're making it. :hugs I can't even imagine how this must feel for you; I just felt awful when I heard what had happened. :( Like @animalmom said, we'd be :hugsand :hitwith you! I'm glad you're looking into getting more goats too; they don't replace the ones that were lost, but I'm glad you're not giving up on goats!
I hope that in all of this you are not blaming yourself. I know that we sometimes do this when something happens. But sometimes things happen, even though we take great precautions to prevent bad things from happening. :hugs:hugs After the fact, we can think of all the "oh, I should have done this", or, "if only I had..." that might have prevented the bad thing from happening; those won't help us, and nothing can make us go back in time. I lost a dog that wasn't even a year old yet; he somehow choked himself on his dog run. My dad had used this type of tie-out on his dog, and his dog was fine. It was hard, and sometimes I still miss him. It's okay to cry, and it's wonderful that you have a wonderful family, like your husband and dad, to support you! So please please please don't beat yourself up over this, or think that it is your fault... because it is NOT. :hugsYou gave your goats a wonderful life, you cared for them, and loved them. Like @Latestarter said, remember the fun times you had with them! :) We're here for you!


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
Reaction score
Blythewood, SC USA
So glad to hear from you, Totes.:) We all continue to pray for you and your family, and are very happy you aren't giving up on goats. You are such a wonderful goatie Mom, it would be a tragedy not to continue raising the little angels.:D Eager to see pics of the new pair when they arrive. Don't forget that you are NOT to blame in any way for what happened, and sometime soon we hope the police will bring the irresponsible dog owner to justice. Sorry that the dog had to die, but he really needed to after what he did.

Soak in all our :hugs and :love and get back to lovin' on some goatie babies ASAP. Only goatie therapy can really get you through this crisis. (Well, loving on a kitty can help with almost ANYTHING, so that can work as a temporary substitute, if need be.;)) Looking forward to hearing from you again SOON.

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
So glad you are back online! I hope it works out and you can bring those 2 kids home! I know it won't replace the goats you lost, but it can help bring comfort :hugs I think anyone who read your post had the same sick feeling, I know I did. :( It is really hard to put into words. Almost everyone on this forum has lost something, we all understand. :hugs:hugs
My goats are my buddies. We go thru the good, the bad, and the ugly. My girls do so much for me, we are very bonded. We lost a doe to a freak accident a few weeks ago and I still can't think about it without tearing up. I loved that girl. In 2017 we are hoping to get her granddaughter.

It sounds like you have a good setup. I would run 4 stands of hotwire on the outside of the fence. 1 a few inches off the ground, 1 a knee height, 1 between knee height and the top, and the last one at the top.

With the charger, I prefer at least 1 joule output but 0.5 has also worked for use. We don't need to keep predators out because our LGD's do it for us, we just need it to keep the goats in. Make sure the charger is pulsed. The shock doesn't do damage, so the goats will be fine if they touch it. :)

Do NOT get a solar charger. I hate the one we have :somad Everyone else I know isn't happy with them either. Go with an AC or DC. You can order a Patriot charger from Jeffers, most of them have both the AC & DC hookup. I like it because it gives you more options.

Again, I am so happy you are back BYH! :weee


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
So glad to hear from you; I know you have to go through that grieving process so I understand your absence. Rather happy to hear about the dog, that sounds cruel but if the people got him back he would probably be right back at your door. Everyone has given you good advice on fencing; hot wire is awesome. We use a DC charger with a solar panel to keep the battery charged, it works out good. As to how they got in the pen, if not under then over, it is amazing what they can climb.

The new goats sound good, I hope you get them or some others. I can't imagine not having goats... they are so much a part of my life. New kids will be hitting the ground soon so you should have plenty to choose from in the next few months.

Welcome back and we will need pictures if you get new goats is required. :)


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Poly wire or poly tape, the aluminum is just too hard to work with IMO. This is the one we use and it works well. We have used cheaper ones, they break. Good ground rods are what makes the fence work, we have 3...don't skimp on them and drive them as deep as you possibly can. If you have any questions just ask. Also, get a fence tester so you know that it is working without touching it :)


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
Reaction score
Blythewood, SC USA
I like the way you said "our goats".:) Good for you (all of you).:woot

BTW, my DH says use razor wire or barbed wire like in a concentration camp. When he thinks "Keep things out." he means BUSINESS!:lol:

I hope he doesn't try that here!:ep He is SO FUNNY, but absolutely serious. Anyway, can't wait to see pics of the newbies. Take care, sweetie.:hugs

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