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- #11
Loving the herd life
Last night I was running late going out to put the girls to bed. While closing up the coop/barn I heard a little kitten crying. (We have a wild momma cat that we have been trying to catch to get her fixed, seeing as to the best of my knowledge in the last 18 mos to 2 years she has had at least 3 litters that I know of.
pet peeve people who don't care for thier animals) So I hear the crying and grab a flashlight out of the coop. Go out of the chicken/goat yard through the dog yard and around to the horse yard. I look through the junk car out there and find a 2 to 3 wk old kitten. Of course she had to come inside with me because she is so little and it was so cold last night. My first though was bring her in for the night and look for a home this morning.
Well DD helped me with her last night including feeding at 1am
so I don't think she will be going anywere
. Just what I need to add to the farm. I will post pics as soon as I get home.