Well I guess that I missed my normal Monday morning update. It was a little crazy yesterday.
SOO this weekend I finished the stantion and am now milking twice a day. Getting better each time. I got all the supplies to finish the boy's yard and I will be do that this week, evenings after milking, and dinner and work.
The best part of the weekend.... One of my hens brought home 5 chicks. I didn't even know she was broody or anything. She is one of my hens that will not stay in the chicken yard at all. Over the last three weeks I would see her in the yard, so I knew she was around but didn't think much about her. This is a hen that was about 2 mintues away from the soup pot. The only thing that saved her was I wasnt up to catching her. Well she now has 5 chicks and is being a good chicken momma. She covers the babies when we get too close, I have watched her showing them how to find food and water. I am really glad that she didn't end up in the soup pot.
I will try for pictures but so far every time that I try she hides them silly momma I just want a picture. I will do my best to keep you all posted.
I also got some back pay from my ex so shopping spree for clothes for kids. I think we are all in need to G.A.S. gear
Had a rough morning, so I took a two housr lunch to go home and get a hug from my puppy. And the G.A.S. gear I ordered was there THANKS ELAVAN I love all of it, I will try and get photos of the kids in the gear. Now I think I need more.
Well to start my momma hen is doing wonderful with the chicks. The now have all thier wing feathers, so I think that soon I will set thier coop so that momma can take them on adventures out of the coop. The three remaining kittens are doing wonderful, I think that in the next couple of weeks I will let Missy go back out side, or come up with some way to sepatate them so that I know the kittens are eating regular food.
This morning when the kids came out for feeding time they were both wearing thier new G.A.S. gear, and they looked good in it. It seems that we have finally worked out a chore/milking system. I milk and each of the chilren have a job to do with the goat on the stand. I have found that if they are wondering around doing other things that the doe wants down faster. Now the big challenge is that next Tuesday we have Primary Elections and I am a poll worker. That means that the family will have to milk/ feed with out me, because I have to be at my location by 6am and I don't get home until about 10pm.
I love working the polls, it is a good chance to meet new people and they pay all right for the day too. The best(worst) part is that being a primary, that turn out will be low so I will have lots of time to finish sisters blanket, and possibley start a new one. Then in November when I work the polls it will be the opposite, being a Presdental year we will have a high turn out so there won't be time to do anything.
I have more random thoughts running through my head right now. But they are moving too fast to catch. I am sure that there will be more posting soon.
Well I made it through the 4th, most people stopped the fire works by 11 and that was nice. Last year it was more like 1am. All the animals did alright. There weren't too many fire last night so now the firefighters can go back to focusing on the big wildfires. At last count there were 9 in the state, one I could see the glow of last night. It's sill a ways a way so no evac concerons at this point. Now we should get rain today and possibly thunderstorms, so praying for no dry lightening. That would be bad.
Well I can tell Rosie is getting closer to kidding. We are just about 40 days away and I am see some of the signs that she is getting close. I just hope it is an evening or weekend, when I am home and no problems. I found out this week that another doe breed with the same buck had problems. The buckling was too big and they had to do a c-section. Mother and son are fine. I really don't want to go through that. But I have plans in place if it does, I have my kidding and medical kits sorted and ready to go. I also have a friend close by who will help if I need it. I am hopping that I will have the money before kidding to get the kid survial kit from caprine supplies, but we will see. Don't know what else I can do but watch and wait
Well I just got word that my grandmother will be moving in with us. I know it is for the best but it is justone more thing to add to my list of things that I must deal with that I don't want to deal with. On top of that both of my parents want me to cut back on work so that I can help at the house more and yet I'm not sure that being home with my mother and grandmother is a good idea. What to do??? I know I think that I will run away and live with the goats. Yep that's what I will do.
My grandmother lived with us from before i was born till 5yearsit ago when it got to the point when we could take care of her health issues. Look at as an oppertunity...learn how to knit or something ...dont worry about your doe she'll be fine....i WISH my oarents would tell me to cut back o could work.