autumnpairie let me know how it goes with the bator :bun
Well I thik we have success. This morning when we went to get the animals up all three goats where up and full of engery. Trying to climb everyone they could. Last night when I put them to bed the girls tried to convience me that they should be allowed to sleep with Beau. I think one may be inheat and that is way she wanted in there. But with does who can tell what they want and why. We will see how they are doing when I get home tonight.
Now that the girls are doing as I want it is time to construct a yard for the babies. On Tuesday I have two more babies coming home and they are too little to go with Beau. But too old to be with the girls so they will get the girls place in the coop and their own yard. It never ends always more to do. But so worth the reward of more babies, and having my own kidding thread.
Got the baby yard finished just need to add the gate. Went out for breakfast, got a nap, and almost done with laundry. Now to sit and relax for a bit before it's time to tuck everyone in.