I bought floor tiles today. I'm leaving in the morning to go to Groveton and work on that fugly disaster bedroom. Carpenter will be working with me or maybe I'll just be getting in his way. I got 2 gallons of Kilz to cover the eyesore paint. I'll be back Friday. Then I'll be packing all week, may make a load down there. I dunno. I'll take you up on putting the moldings in the bedroom. I have a nice miter chop saw for that!You have been running at full speed!
We were planning to help you with moving but with this earlier sale it looks like we will be getting back just as you are about to finish moving. Bringing our truck and tools. I will lay the bedroom floor for you, and we can install all the bedroom moldings afterwards. If you don't get the other bedroom moldings taken care of we can do them when we get back there too.
So I should bring the air compressor and nail gun right?BUT I WILL need help building a shelter for the sheep and dogs. And building fence, repairing fence and all that fun stuff.
Might make a big difference if one is laying them in hot humid weather or cold weather. I assume that gap is for expansion? If the baseboard is put on after it would cover a gap.Even though the instructions say to leave a gap of 1/8"-1/4" at the walls, ignore that and lay them in all the way, otherwise they can slip apart.