Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yes it feels good to get that accomplished. I got a lot done, but there’s tons more to do. It’s supposed to rain Tuesday, so no drying out. My son’s tractor is a beast. He bought a grapple and had the hydraulics run for it. He also bought a shear that goes on the front that will shear off up to 15” trees. It’s still on his flatbed, he had to leave on his job. He has a big bush hog that leaves my tiny 4’ bush hog in the dust. All I can do on it is move round bales and I feel like a she-woman!


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I bet that feels good.
I wanted to mow the front field today, but it has standing water in it. Even after 3 days of sunshine, it’s still a series of mini ponds.

View attachment 115554

I set a round bale for the sheep in the front field. My son’s tractor is a big tractor!

View attachment 115555

I set the bale and backed the tractor out.

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I got on my little tractor, scooped up some dirt and shoveled it under the gate. Water runs down the fence line, under the gate and into the hoop shelter pen. The dirt helps keep the water out. I mashed it all up with the big tractor, so I fixed it.

View attachment 115557

I had 3 gates leaned on the end of the shed with doors. Grass was all grown up in them and it was messy. I dragged the gates out and cleaned up the mess. There was some used 3/4” plywood from the Hurricane blown out middle shed. I had to lift them over the cow panel pen. Heavy! I laid them down at the end of the shed and put the 3 gates back.

Then I machete chopped the weeds at the other end of the shed.

View attachment 115558

There were 5 gates in this pile, 16 feet long. I dragged the gates behind the sheds, and through a gate made of a half cow panel.

View attachment 115559

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The gates were heavy, but I got all 5 moved to the neat, cleaned up other end of the other shed.

View attachment 115561

That done, I went back to the messy other shed. There were posts laid down that te gates had been resting on. I had to pry them up with a shovel.

View attachment 115562

I picked up some more mess and took it to the burn pile.

I’m tired, but I got a lot done.
Wow!!!!! Looks fantastic.
I always love when I can get an "eyesore" cleaned up. Such a good feeling.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule .. was thinking you had a cornish chicken thread here... in the temp hoop coop... take some cardboard and make a corral in there with the heat lamps shining down.. doesn't need to be real high...a foot or so.... it will keep the heat in the area under the lamps and the cold from filtering in... They do it in the big poultry houses with the first hatched chicks many times... don't want it too small... just like another "barrier" from the cold air at floor level...
The heater in my house can have the air temp at 80 but there is a draft along the floor... that is what you are getting with the area under the heat lamps... the cold is moving in along the floor level and you don't even need to feel it move... the heat dissipates away...
Kinda makes you think of a "play area" where the chicks are corralled to keep them from straying too far... but it will keep the heat more concentrated under them... daytime, they can be moved if the whole coop is warm... the chicks will go back under the lamps in the evening and you can put it back up...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Stormy last night and this morning. I’ve slipped out between waves of rain and got chores done. I waited until 11 AM to care for meat chicks, power is off and I covered the coop door with plastic bag and taped it down. I just fed and watered them, temperature is 70 degrees. It comes a hard shower for a minute or two, then stops. It blew a gale this morning. Fairly calm now.

I reported power outage, plus called and talked to someone. 4,000 are out of power. I told the nice lady that I had baby chicks with no heat lamps and would dearly appreciate it if they could get power back on. I know these are just chickens and people are more important, but I don’t want them to die. Good thing I called, because the automated system didn’t show power outage for my area.