Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
So??? is the county doing this for easier access to the power line??? How/ why are they giving you a culvert??

Not for easier power line access, it’s to widen my driveway entrance so long wheel base truck and trailers can get in and out. The road takes a sharp 90 to the right, my driveway WAS a sharp 90 to the left, no swing room, opening was narrow. Son with his 4 door dually and 20’ trailer couldn’t make the turn. I bought the culvert, at the discount the county gets, and the precinct put it in for me.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Glad you heard the dogs to save the lamb, even if Sentry wouldn't have hurt it.
He wouldn’t have hurt it, but by keeping the mom away, lamb would have died. I’m just glad the mom didn’t reject her dog slobbered baby. LOL I recognized that snarl, that’s him saying, MINE! KEEP AWAY! That just wasn’t right.

All the dogs had woke me up earlier, barking at coyotes.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
And here they are! Nora, triplet daughter of Miranda and Ringo, bred to Cooper……
Presenting Twins! Ram lamb can be son in laws freezer meat order. LOL Ewe is second generation out of registered rams and can be recorded as 3/4 Katahdin. I’m hoping she has a good hair coat, the triplet ewes all have mohawks. Probably from the Katahdin and Dorper mix that Miranda was.




Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
So strange about Sentry and the newborn. Wonder if the Buford deal earlier and then coyotes that night scrambled his thinking. No matter what, or why - but you've got the right plan. Glad that you caught everything in time and it's working out. The missing placenta - could he have eaten it???


Not just born
Golden Herd Member
May 6, 2017
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I’m am kicking myself. I am mad at myself. I thought I could keep an eye on Buford. Indeed, every time I checked on him, he was under the shade tree with Sentry and Sheba. On one of my “checks” I didn’t see Dandelion. I found her-played with to death. I put Buford in his pen, got the dead lamb, tossed her on him, screamed, yelled and made a lot of noise.
@Ridgetop i called Eric and my response was exactly what he said. I told him it was all my fault, I knew he wanted to play with her, but have kept an eye on him before. Dandelion is dead, my mistake, I own it. Eric was glad to hear me say that, instead of blaming the dog. I asked where to go from here. Eric said no turn out with lambs, he may “play” with the next smallest and weakest. I’ll have to double down on intensive training. I have 8 ewes due soon, Buford’s pen is next to the ewes. Eric said to let him in with the newborns, if he so much as looks at one, correct loudly. Every. Day. So as long as I have lambs, Buford will get training.

I’m sick about Dandelion. My fault. The little granddaughters and I had a funeral, burying her in a corner of the small front yard. I told them what happened and used it as an example of stepping up, admitting my mistake and taking responsibility for it.

I messed up, Buford messed up. Intense training on the way. This is the only dead lamb. Period. Look out Buford. Mom is gonna be on you like stink on poop.
Dang it.
I really hope he gets the hang of things and behaves for you.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
I’m am kicking myself. I am mad at myself. I thought I could keep an eye on Buford. Indeed, every time I checked on him, he was under the shade tree with Sentry and Sheba. On one of my “checks” I didn’t see Dandelion. I found her-played with to death. I put Buford in his pen, got the dead lamb, tossed her on him, screamed, yelled and made a lot of noise.
@Ridgetop i called Eric and my response was exactly what he said. I told him it was all my fault, I knew he wanted to play with her, but have kept an eye on him before. Dandelion is dead, my mistake, I own it. Eric was glad to hear me say that, instead of blaming the dog. I asked where to go from here. Eric said no turn out with lambs, he may “play” with the next smallest and weakest. I’ll have to double down on intensive training. I have 8 ewes due soon, Buford’s pen is next to the ewes. Eric said to let him in with the newborns, if he so much as looks at one, correct loudly. Every. Day. So as long as I have lambs, Buford will get training.

I’m sick about Dandelion. My fault. The little granddaughters and I had a funeral, burying her in a corner of the small front yard. I told them what happened and used it as an example of stepping up, admitting my mistake and taking responsibility for it.

I messed up, Buford messed up. Intense training on the way. This is the only dead lamb. Period. Look out Buford. Mom is gonna be on you like stink on poop.
Some of my dogs have play killed and prey killed. I rehabilitated nearly all of them. One I had euthanized because he nearly killed my other LGD who was defending the rest of the flock. I know you know your dog and what to do but I’ve learned some of them grow up a lot more slowly. I had a pup that went right to work and a couple of others who were absolute goobers til they were nearly 3y.o. We all liked Dandelion but we know sometimes animals disappoint us.
The Bell of Shame might be helpful. A large goat bell on Buford’s collar when he’s with the sheep. It’s ringing alerts you and the sheep to fractious intentions. One of my dogs learned to hold his bell in his mouth to quiet it but couldn’t think to let go of it for a bite. Hang in there, and keep us posted.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
So strange about Sentry and the newborn. Wonder if the Buford deal earlier and then coyotes that night scrambled his thinking. No matter what, or why - but you've got the right plan. Glad that you caught everything in time and it's working out. The missing placenta - could he have eaten it???
Sentry is very possessive. I belong to him. LOL. I think he was protecting the lamb, even from the mom.
Placenta was passed after birth of second lamb.
Sentry can join Sheba in Coopers pen.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
Sentry is very possessive. I belong to him. LOL. I think he was protecting the lamb, even from the mom.
Placenta was passed after birth of second lamb.
Sentry can join Sheba in Coopers pen.
I have always allowed my dogs to eat placenta. A. Food. B. Hormones pass through doggo and he smells like a friend
C. I can clean up a lot of stuff but if it jiggles I’m barfing in the nearest bush.
20 years a shepherd. :oops:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The Bell of Shame might be helpful. A large goat bell on Buford’s collar when he’s with the sheep. It’s ringing alerts you and the sheep to fractious intentions.
That is a good idea as long as he can't get it off. Some Anatolians can shed collars like a snake sheds skin. Or bells on the ewes. Then you will hear them if they are being chased. But it sounds like the dogs are not chasing the older animals, just trying to take the lambs for themselves.

Most male Anatolians absolutely adore babies. Lambs, puppies, human babies and small children. It is not unusual for male Anatolians to try to steal newborn lambs from ewes. Luckily you found the lamb. Maybe you can try Sheba in with the ewes due to lamb. While she may not love the ewes as much, she will probably not try to steal the newborn lambs either. And probably a refresher course in Newborn Lamb and Mom Behavior for Sentry along with Buford learning the proper way to behave with lambs too.

I haven't ordered the electric fencing yet. I guess I should do it soon before it is out of stock or something. Thank you Baymule, I will have it and the charger sent to your address and we can pick it up later. I will let you know when I order it.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Cookie just lambed out in the field. Dogs are in pen with Cooper and his ewes. I was at the end of the driveway putting in a new mailbox and heard that low rumbling sound ewes make to their lambs. All the sheep were in a flock, Cookie was apart by herself. I went to go investigate. She had a solid black lamb, ewe of course, with no signs of life. She was licking it, encouraging it to get up. I swung it around to clear her lungs, rubbed her vigorously and swung her again. She just wasn’t breathing.

I carried the lamb to the lot and laid her in some grass. Cookie kept trying to get the dead lamb up. Then she popped out another lamb! I took the dead one away so she could concentrate on the live one. I checked on them a few minutes later and the lamb was up, sucking and tail going like a helicopter propeller.

Nova’s ewe lamb is not doing well. She is weak. I brought her in and she ate 2 ounces of colostrum. She pooped and peed all over me, walking to the house, I had to change clothes. LOL She is wrapped in a towel, in my lap. She’ll make it or she won’t. I’ll give her my best shot.
