Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My nephew is working for a man that has all sorts of equipment and stuff. Just found out he has a forestry mulched. That’s what it will take for my back fence. It’s a long stretch of fence, has a bunch of over growth, a 4 or 5 food deep ditch, about 12 or 15 feet wide, then the fence. Brush and growth is a good 30 to 50 feet from the fence. I’m hopeful I can get the Aunt Dana discount on mulching everything it will chew up. I gotta catch up with that boy and let him know I’m interested.

I went to an Elvis impersonator show Friday night with a bunch of friends. Actually only knew 2 of them. One rather crusty lady in the bunch had her flask of whiskey and her pistol in her purse. LOL
The Elvis was Travis Powell, from North Carolina. Hands down, he’s the best I’ve ever seen. He put everything he had into his performance and had a fabulous voice. He went down the aisle, singing, taking pictures, shaking hands, kissing old ladies, one was 93, and he came down the other aisle. He got back to the stage and fans yelled that he didn’t see them, so back down the aisle he went. Then the balcony started yelling for him, so he went up in the balcony too. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. I was surprised by the teenagers and young kids that were there. I guess Elvis is ageless and still captures new fans.

He did the first half of his performance in black leather, then changed to the white jumpsuit. All through his performance women brought him scarves, conveniently for sale on a table in the lobby, to wipe his sweat on. Ick. But whatever floats your boat.

I would see him again and if y’all are Elvis fans, Travis Powell is worth seeing.




Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Hey, those are pretty good pics... Yeah, he looks like him... Mmmm Mmmm Good !!!!

You mentioned in the coffee thread your son had come in... Thought the job he was on was going to last quite awhile? Hope all is well with him... he sure does do some traveling with the job... Oh well, young and single, he may as well.....Does he stay at "his place" when he is in? Maybe you all can get some more stuff moved over to your place so you can "fiddle around" with things when he is gone again, since you are feeling so "salty" about taking on more work there !!!!:gig:lol::lol::celebrate:weee:thumbsup:yesss:. I am glad that you are feeling more and more like yourself... It takes time... just keep at it.
I have gotten things off my stairs so that I can start doing stairs at least once a day or so to try to get these quad muscles strengthened. Driving me nuts that I still have the tightness in the right hamstring/muscles/ligs.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yep, son came in Saturday night. He’ll probably be gone again this coming weekend. We plan on moving the portable building that he moved from Lindale for me, on Thursday. Chris will help, I’m not cleared for lifting yet. We’ll, or THEY, will empty it out, put stuff on my flatbed, load building, come to the farm. Unload, block up building, put stuff in it. Maybe put some of my cabinets in the shed here that has doors. Then I can start bringing stuff from the shipping containers and get them cleaned out.


A dear friend of mine will be moving to Lufkin to take a position as assistant manager at Olive Garden restaurant in May. She is going to rent his house. I’ll have it cleaned out by then. I’ll sort through everything, have a yard sale, donate or trash what doesn’t sell and have it ready for her to move into. She, her boyfriend and her 22 year old autistic daughter are coming for Thanksgiving and I’ll take her to see the house then. She is so excited.

I’m so GLAD I had knee replacement surgery. I was about at the end of my rope, just couldn’t go much further. Honestly I don’t know how I did so much for so long in such pain and agony. It can only get better from here.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I told him I know a top notch surgeon……..
I hope he gives it serious consideration, at least have the surgeon check his x-rays and see if they think surgery is a good fit.

DW say her rheumatologist a couple of weeks ago. Apparently her hips are now bad enough that replacement is more near term than distant.

She is going to rent his house.
I bet you are even more glad now that you did so much work to get that house in shape! A 'renter' is one thing but a renter who is a good friend quite another.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I got a funny….. when Sentry had Femoral Head Ostectomy surgery due to the worst case of hip dysplasia the vet had ever seen in a 9 month old dog, he stayed in the house for weeks, much of it in a dog crate to keep him from moving much. I did some intensive therapy on him for months. I cut a grocery shopping bag down the sides to make a sling to hold up his back end, helping him up and down steps, walking out to potty and he and I became extremely close.

My son came in one night, big black Cowboy hat, big guy, loud, grabbed me in a hug, and Sentry went beserk. Nothing I could do after that could convince Sentry that DS was a good guy. Nope. Not having it. Sentry would growl menacingly and bark at DS. He just never forgave DS for that first introduction.

Sentry has cautiously approached DS a few times, stretched out his head to sniff, then scuttle backwards, barking a warning. Sentry would be inside the pasture fence, whine and wag his tail when DS came through the gate, DS always talked sweetly to Sentry. That was fine until DS approached the fence, then Sentry barked at him.

Sentry is now 4 years old. Lately he’s kinda been deciding maybe DS might be ok. Last time DS was in off a job, Sentry actually came up and let DS pet him. It was one of those WOW moments.

DS came in Saturday night. He left Sunday morning with lots of things to do. I came in from church, Sentry was at the gate, crying, so I let him in the house for a little special time. He caught a whiff of DS’s scent from the bedroom and transformed into a snarling, growling dog on full alert with his hackles up.

I talked to him and walked in the bedroom, he stiff legged slowly followed, looking about, waiting for a booger man to jump out. Sentry checked everything out, laid down in the living room for a nap. Later I put him back in the sheep pasture. Crazy dog.

When DS came in, I told him Sentry’s reaction and we laughed. I was feeding, DS approached the fence and guess who was DELIGHTED to see him and couldn’t get enough petting?? Sentry. Sheba got in for her share too. I just shake my head at this dog sometimes.

