Herd Master
Elvis impersonator - that's going to be a HOOT!!! Enjoy!
You deserve it
You deserve it
I’m thinking the year number, then a lamb number, and not even all of them, just the keepers. Ram lambs would get their scrapie tag only since they would go to auction. AND stay on top of things and record/register!
I KNOW! Ol’ Baymule can clean up and look presentable.Wow, look at you -- a REAL night out. NO JEANS!![]()
Maybe a stupid question- Do you guestimate number of lambs and get preprinted or do you write numbers on yourself?My numbering system is year, lamb number. So this year they’re 2301 and on. Everyone gets a scrapie tag which also doubles as their farm tag. Everyone also gets a name and a name tag.