Blackhereford people


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
Blackhereford boy said:
Stubbornhillfarm said:
Welcome. :welcome What exactly is crossed to get a "black hereford"? I am curious.
what they are clasified as is hereford and angus cross
We have a Black Baldie, which is a cross between a hereford and a black angus. Is that what you are looking for?


Royd Wood

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Feb 5, 2010
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Ontario Canada
WildRoseBeef said:
greybeard said:
Blackhereford boy said:
what they are clasified as is hereford and angus cross
They trying to jump on the CAB/black hide beef is best bandwagon? :hide
That's what I thought when I visited the Black Hereford site. Just another "breed" created to match up and contend with the black-hide fever that has been going around.
Black Hide Fever :lol: Well some of my Galloways are solid black but them there market people dont like long or curly hair :lol:


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
Royd Wood said:
WildRoseBeef said:
greybeard said:
They trying to jump on the CAB/black hide beef is best bandwagon? :hide
That's what I thought when I visited the Black Hereford site. Just another "breed" created to match up and contend with the black-hide fever that has been going around.
Black Hide Fever :lol: Well some of my Galloways are solid black but them there market people dont like long or curly hair :lol:
People are media/market driven all the time and don't even know it! If you fed the average person any breed and told them it was Black Angus, they would most likely say. "Oh, I can tell. This is the best tasting beef ever." All I know is our first Black Baldie that we had was, well let me just say as nice as I can, "CRAZY!" I'm blaming it on the Angus blood. ;)


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
redtailgal said:
I'm not interesting in debating the correctness of any breed, but I thought that some of you may be interested in some of the breed pages concerning Herefords.

polled herefords
Black Hereford
Good articles redtailgal. I learned what distinguishes a Black Baldy from a Black Hereford. So that's cool. I love all my animals and am not specific to breed nor do I know a thing about correctness, conformation or anything of the like for any breed. I love learning about other peoples chosen breeds though and why they like them the best. Someday, maybe I will be partial to one particular breed, but right now. I think they are all pretty awesome! :D


Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
Feb 1, 2009
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Alberta, Canada
Stubbornhillfarm said:
Royd Wood said:
WildRoseBeef said:
That's what I thought when I visited the Black Hereford site. Just another "breed" created to match up and contend with the black-hide fever that has been going around.
Black Hide Fever :lol: Well some of my Galloways are solid black but them there market people dont like long or curly hair :lol:
People are media/market driven all the time and don't even know it! If you fed the average person any breed and told them it was Black Angus, they would most likely say. "Oh, I can tell. This is the best tasting beef ever." All I know is our first Black Baldie that we had was, well let me just say as nice as I can, "CRAZY!" I'm blaming it on the Angus blood. ;)
And there lies the problem. The average person has been roiled over and over again that "Angus beef is best" and never realize that it's all due to marketing hype created by the American Angus Association. I've had to answer questions on another site that asked if what cut of beef Angus was, or what part of the cow does Angus beef come from. :rolleyes: :he And of course those who are a little more educated about Angus beef and have a some-what general idea where it comes from, think that if a "cow" (encompassing all bovines, not just the calf and milk-producing females) is black it's Angus, or all beef that is tagged as CAB comes from Angus cattle, and I'm talking the purebred stock, not cattle that are like JHM's or Black Simmentals crosses, Black Gelbviehs crosses, Black Limousins crosses, or any other breed that is black that has been sired by an Angus bull but has 20 other breeds in the woodpile. And like you said stubborn, an average person who's not familiar with the cattle biz have been influenced so heavily that they are easily foiled about what breed or breeds that steak they eat really came from. But that also goes to show you that when the hide comes off, they all look the same. :bun

And there's my soapbox rant for the day. :cool: :p


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
WildRoseBeef said:
Stubbornhillfarm said:
Royd Wood said:
Black Hide Fever :lol: Well some of my Galloways are solid black but them there market people dont like long or curly hair :lol:
People are media/market driven all the time and don't even know it! If you fed the average person any breed and told them it was Black Angus, they would most likely say. "Oh, I can tell. This is the best tasting beef ever." All I know is our first Black Baldie that we had was, well let me just say as nice as I can, "CRAZY!" I'm blaming it on the Angus blood. ;)
And there lies the problem. The average person has been roiled over and over again that "Angus beef is best" and never realize that it's all due to marketing hype created by the American Angus Association. I've had to answer questions on another site that asked if what cut of beef Angus was, or what part of the cow does Angus beef come from. :rolleyes: :he And of course those who are a little more educated about Angus beef and have a some-what general idea where it comes from, think that if a "cow" (encompassing all bovines, not just the calf and milk-producing females) is black it's Angus, or all beef that is tagged as CAB comes from Angus cattle, and I'm talking the purebred stock, not cattle that are like JHM's or Black Simmentals crosses, Black Gelbviehs crosses, Black Limousins crosses, or any other breed that is black that has been sired by an Angus bull but has 20 other breeds in the woodpile. And like you said stubborn, an average person who's not familiar with the cattle biz have been influenced so heavily that they are easily foiled about what breed or breeds that steak they eat really came from. But that also goes to show you that when the hide comes off, they all look the same. :bun

And there's my soapbox rant for the day. :cool: :p


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
There's nothing wrong with Angus cattle at all as far as I'm concerned, and i suspect most here feel about the same. I showed a full blood Angus heifer when i was a kid, and we ate her afterwards. (yes, we cooked her first :D )
Good beef, but neither I nor my parents could tell the difference in the heifer and the polled Herefords we had at the time.
Having previously read the qualifications for "CAB", I do have to wonder why they didn't opt to use a more accurate "Certified Angus 'Influenced' Beef" in the labeling.


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
greybeard said:
There's nothing wrong with Angus cattle at all as far as I'm concerned, and i suspect most here feel about the same. I showed a full blood Angus heifer when i was a kid, and we ate her afterwards. (yes, we cooked her first :D )
Good beef, but neither I nor my parents could tell the difference in the heifer and the polled Herefords we had at the time.
Having previously read the qualifications for "CAB", I do have to wonder why they didn't opt to use a more accurate "Certified Angus 'Influenced' Beef" in the labeling.
I agree. I don't think that there is anything wrong with Angus cattle what so ever or any other breed of cattle for that matter. Angus are beautiful and obviously have a quality meat. The "wrong" part in my opinion, is that people are easily steered (pardon the pun). That's really a personal problem that marketers take advantage of every day in every situation in life. From government to fashion, to health to cattle. I have been a marketing director in a past job and understand that "steering" people is what helps sales grow. We as people should educate ourselves and make choices based on gained knowledge not just what "they" say is the best.

Sorry...hopped on the soapbox! So the short comment in my long comment. "Nothing wrong with Angus cattle" at all! :thumbsup


Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I don't have a problem with Angus as a breed either. Admittedly it's not my favorite breed for personal reasons, but in all honesty, if I were to choose between raising Charolais or Limousin and Angus, I'd choose Angus without a second thought. But like was mentioned before, it's the darn marketing system that is a royal pain in the arse. I agree with greybeard: why couldn't the AAA make some effort to educate consumers that not all Angus beef is from purebred Angus cattle?