Blessedfarmgirl's 2024 lambing/kidding thread


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Elanor's ewe lamb was born this morning. Look at that face!! I have never seen a katahdin that looked like this. And this is a complete surprise, since the only color our ram threw last year was a few light brown speckles. She's a keeper if we can get her foot issues resolved.



True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Last night I noticed one of the other ewes, Lucy, had lost her mucus plug and had a little goop. She had an udder pop too, so I was fairly sure she was going to lamb very soon. She did, and this morning she welcomed her second healthy (huge) ram lamb into the world! The funny thing is, she and Elanor lambed a day apart last year too! They must be lambing buddies. I think the fact that I'm getting all singles tells me I need to flush next year and make sure my ewes don't get bred in August. The heat probably affected how many eggs they released. But I'm still thankful even for singles.
I am having some issues though. Lucy has never had a big udder, and this time she didn't really bag up properly. She barely has any milk. I'm going to lock her up and feed her some extra alfalfa to boost milk production, and watch to make sure he's getting enough. If not, it just so happens that Elanor has way more than enough milk for a single, so I may try milking her to supplement the ram lamb.
The second issue with Lucy is that I noticed a small soft abscess on her jaw, very similar to the one our ram had. I hope it's harmless like his was. I'm going to watch it closely and lance it when it gets ripe. I don't know if I can really separate her right now, but I might have to try. It's at times like these I wish I had a few more fences/pens. I really hope it's not something serious.

Update on the mustache lamb, her name is now Eden, and she's doing a bit better this morning! She's still walking and I saw her nurse, though her dam is getting engorged, so I may have to milk her some whether I supplement the ram lamb or not. I gave her some vitamin B to stimulate her appetite.

Ram lamb pics will come later!

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