Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I think Boone is doing real good. He has more stimulation in 10 minutes than he gets all day when y’all go to town. Good boy.
Thanks for your input. I was really feeling concerned and defeated that he was going to suddenly become dog aggressive as he matures and I would be forced to wash him out for his own protection


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I absolutely LOVE what you did with the jerk (Don't Touch My Dog). LOVE it tens times and over more. You showed Boone that you have his back - that is HUGE.
I get where you're coming from with the other idiot dogs - you handled it perfectly, and Boone saw that too.
Definitely what @Baymule said as well!
You're doing great - biggest tip I can give you is "don't carry the angst from previous things" just be ready for things so you react properly (which you are). In herding I tell my students you made the correction - it's done, leave it where it happened. RELAX --- works every time.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I absolutely LOVE what you did with the jerk (Don't Touch My Dog). LOVE it tens times and over more. You showed Boone that you have his back - that is HUGE.
I get where you're coming from with the other idiot dogs - you handled it perfectly, and Boone saw that too.
Definitely what @Baymule said as well!
You're doing great - biggest tip I can give you is "don't carry the angst from previous things" just be ready for things so you react properly (which you are). In herding I tell my students you made the correction - it's done, leave it where it happened. RELAX --- works every time.
God bless you guys. You have no idea how much your thoughts reassure me. It really helps that you think we can do this and that I’m on the right track


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Oh one other thing that worked well with my dogs - and you sort of did it knowingly or not - have the person greet you first. Shake hands if you, arm around a child’s shoulders. Always the great you first or you greet them before they say hi to Boone.
I did this with my dog Daisy who had a bad experience with a rotten 3 yr old who was petting her then slammed her head with his fist - hard. She barked and I corrected her (she was all of maybe 12 wks). Wrong - should’ve corrected the kid. She went on to work in pediatrics and PICU and I always started with people greeting before dog. Worked like a charm.
Also, laughter can fix scary things. Laughing at the issue and not the dog.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I'm with the others. I think you are looking for trouble where it isn't. I do not have near as much experience with service dogs... except that I know many are raised in families... with ALL kinds of stimulation and encounters and all that ... for something like 18 months... before they are considered for service dog programs... You are asking a PUPPY... YES, a very LARGE puppy... to act like a mature thinking service dog...

STOP and think about it... he is being protective of you..... He is doing what his INSTINCTS are telling him because he is an L G D...... protect his charges in his care... you are part of that... YET... he is still not going all out and going totally crazy and getting away from you and going nuts... Let's face it... he could EASILY yank his lead right out of your hands and be gone after another dog, or bite a person that is invading what he considers his/your space... He hasn't liked it, he has growled, he has BACKED AWAY from that one jerk..... and he has not gone "over the edge".... yet he could have. That says that he is still listening to you.....

You need to stop trying to find something that will "wash him out" of the service dog job you have put him into.... Like @SageHill said... make the correction, and go FORWARD.... don't keep second guessing him... and yourself.
Making yourself sick with worry and angst, is accomplishing nothing except to communicate it to him that you are not "okay" with him.... QUIT..... put it behind you and get up and start each day..... don't overthink the day before. Analyze if there was something different you could do... and either accept it was right, and go on, or understand what you need to different, and do it the NEXT TIME. Stop thinking he is going to fail at this job...

You have him in a very secluded situation at the farm for most of the time... then when you go to town it is a long ride, he is very tightly "controlled" on a lead... and expected to spend hours being still and quiet... and he does not have this kind of containment at home.
Now on this trip, you are in traffic beyond most people's imagination... plopped into houses with other people... and dogs.... and remember, the houses you are visiting BELONG to the people/pets/dogs living there, you and Boone are the interlopers.... and you want him to be a perfect statue listening only to you when all the smells and sights are INTERESTING... to a PUPPY..... I realize that he is a service dog... but you are not giving him enough credit for his devotion to you even when he wants to just "explore" some of this life... and then wants to protect you because you are "his responsibility " .

I am sure there are alot of things I do not understand about a service dog... and the training... but I have been told that like a "seeing eye dog" that a friend had many years ago... when the harness was off... they were allowed to BE A DOG... all the rough housing, play, etc. that they wanted... but when the time was over.. they put on their "service hat" and it was different. Every dog has a different disposition, and you know him best... but..... believe in him more. Let him be a playful puppy... even with his size... and certain behavior is never acceptable... but let him "chill out" some too...

You are lucky to have him.....