Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Boone has been very vocal lately. Not barking, just wooh woohs. I’m never too sure what he is saying but give it my best guess. We usually spend time training everyday, doing SOMETHING, but I was not great today so was reading and he just couldn’t have that, so he woohed, put a foot on me and stared me down. So, we worked on picking up toys and putting them in his bucket. He’s used to putting things in my hand so dropping them in the bucket instead was a tad confusing for him. He doesn’t mind working for his “wages” but he does expect payment whether the job was satisfactory or not, because, well, it’s the thought that counts, and he thought he was getting cookies. When he dropped his squeaky snake on the floor instead of in the bucket, he waited for his cookie, and when it wasn’t forthcoming, he huffed in complete disgust and grabbed my med bag off the table and shoved it in my lap, as he KNOWS that’s a sure payoff.
I resorted to putting the snake in the bucket myself and paying him each time and he seemed to get the idea. He put it in the bucket himself and got a jackpot so he’s satisfied with his superior intellect, then pulled his favorite red ball out and attempted teaching me how to play outside. After he stopped to gnaw on it, I went back inside. He showed up moments later with his red rubber frisbee, so I flew that for him a few times.
I might not quite understand what he’s saying, but I don’t think I am too far off, as he continues trying to communicate with me, so I am grateful for that.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Boone can now bring me my meds bag from a different room and he can bring the tv changer from across the room. He’s beginning to discern right/left and next we will work on above and beneath. He’s amazing about everything except going out front when the ranch dogs are there. He wants to play so bad he drags me. I found this cool belay system that you hook to a belt like a rock climber and can control him with one hand and I’m able to anchor him with my weight. Except last night my cheap ass belt broke, so I was left desperately trying to hold 135# of dog already in forward motion, on a thin rope line with just my hands. Randy came to help but only managed to pull his collar off so he was now loose, galloping between all the ranch hands and their dogs, some which ganged up on him and some willing to play…I was having a meltdown trying to figure out how to gain control when a guy I don’t know grabbed him by the scruff and the back and got him to the ground, holding a very surprised puppy while I got his collar back on and dragged him home.
My wrists are excruciating today, especially after harvesting 5 huge rabbits that should have been done months ago I hope I recover soon as I need to slaughter all the d****ed ducks the boss’ wife foisted on us.
I told RAndy in no uncertain terms not to EVER let her do that to us again. I will choose my OWN animals to spend my time and money on. Especially when it’s so hard for me to get rid of them.
I digress…
Boone is amazing.

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