Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Bridgemoof said:
Yep a felting needle. I'd love to see one of your dolls! That sounds like fun, too. What kind of dolls????
I make all sorts of dolls, but my favorites are dolls for little kids to hug on. I also make a Noah's ark thing which is a big wooden pull boat with all sorts of little "animals" in pairs made out of calico. It is a really cute thing. Mr and Mrs. Noah need hair of course and the little sheep and critters, of course, need fur and hair and such.

Here is the pattern I use.


And this is my favorite doll pattern. I felt in the hair so it looks like real baby hair.



Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Oh those dolls are sooo sweet Queen Mum!!!! Looks like kids would love them. VERY huggable! The Noah's Ark thing would be perfect for felting. Tim wants me to make a nativity scene for Christmas, but I just don't know if I would be able to make all those pieces! I think I would get bored of it before I finished.

Uriah seems to be feeling better, so we will let him back out into the herd today. And Fluffy, too, she has been pouting the whole time. I hate when sheep look at you and say "Why do I have to stay in here mommy? Why can't I go out and play?" I'm such a sucker for sheepies.

Yesterday we got part of the driveway regraveled. The rest should come today. It looks really good. Ruth is happy, she loves to see things getting done around here, and now that she has her reverse mortgage money, she has plenty to spend on sprucing things up. Her hip is still hurting her and she has been walking with a walker. Tim is going to take her to her regular oncologist for a checkup this week, so if there's anything cancerous going on, it should show up in her blood work.

Today the big new shed construction starts. Tim and Lencho will get going on building the new structure behind the back stable. We'll have a place to park the tractor and all kinds of junk. It will be great to get all that stuff out of sight.

It rained a good deal yesterday, so I'm hoping my rye grass seed will take off. Things are looking pretty barren around here. I'm realizing that winter is closing in and the sheep won't have much to eat. They seem to prefer eating dirt over the hay we out out for them. Sillies! It froze pretty hard the other night and everything that was living is now dead. All the tomatoes I never picked, the flowers I never sold, everything else that is hidden amongst my garden of weeds is a goner. I did manage to pick my birdhouse gourds the next morning, though. I got 12 big ones that I put up in the garden shed to dry out for next year. I no doubt will be scheming up some creative use for those. But they have to dry out first.

Tim went to the livestock auction to check things out yesterday. He found out that with the upcoming muslim holiday, they prefer to eat lamb over goat. So now he is going to hang on to those two little goats he got for a while and fatten them up. They are in a stall right now, and they look divilish! We'll see what happens when they are allowed out. I smell trouble coming.

Fleas. Did I mention FLEAS? omg my dogs are infested. Frontline, flea baths, flea spray, nothing seems to work. They told me at Southern States that the fleas in this area have become resistant to Frontline. Well, that's for darned sure! And in turn I've been getting flea bites, and the dogs have been keeping us awake all night because of their scratch, scratch, scratching. Ugh. We had a hard freeze the other night and I was hoping all the fleas would just croak, but no, they jumped on the dogs to survive and thrive. I have flea bombed our bedroom so far, but I think there are still fleas and a ton of dead stink bugs. Anybody who knows stink bugs will know what I am talking about. We had a gazillion of them all pop up this year, just about 2 weeks ago. They were all over the side of the house by the hundreds. The turkeys and chickens had fun eating them, but not enough of them! I've also seen a lot of yucky black spiders coming into the house, which always throws me into an arachnophobic fit! ACK I HATE spiders!

It's 6:10 a.m., pitch dark. I hate not being able to go out and start feeding early in the morning. Gosh it gets light so late now. Daylight savings should help a little with that.

And that's the report for now, Later Gators!


Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Morning Bridge!

The felt ferrets look real! My mutt would love one!
Always love to read the going ons of your farm!
Frontline stopped working in our area a long time ago. We switched to advantix, but it is really better for the ticks. If the fleas are real bad get some comfortis from your vet, a 2-3 month supply for each dog, it is determined by weight and it is one pill a month. It must be taken with food. Or just get 1 pill and see how it goes. Comfortis is great. We had aa problem this year and I had to go that route, I am very experienced with pest control on animals and haven't had a flea issue in over 35 years, til this past spring/summer! It was insane! You usually see flea issues in the fall. Comfortis is not cheap but well worth it and you are already treating the house so that's good. If your dogs take a monthly HW pill/treatment you don't want to give these close together. 2 weeks offset is better. The comfortis will start killing the fleas a few hours after you give it. Fleas bite then die and so it interrupts the breeding cycle. If you don't give it with a good meal then the pill will not last the 30 days, it will kind of just pass through the system.

Hope this helps. Btw I have family not far from you, Middleburg is beautiful.


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Thanks so much for the info Southern! It makes me so aggravated when you pay that much money for something like Frontline and it doesn't work. So I will definitely check out the Comfortis!

Here are the finished ferrets...moving on to something new now: Felted Pumpkins!!



Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
I know what you mean about the fleas :he Our dogs & cats have had fleas since mid-August, when we put our fence up. My uncle brought his dog (because my cousin begged him to go) who was infested with fleas. Luckily the outdoor cats don't have fleas (knock on wood). We just put the 3rd treatment of Frontline on our dogs/cats and they are still biting and scratching themselves. Plus we've given our dogs baths with the more expensive flea shampoo thinking it would work better...NOT.

We need something that will work because the animals can't even sleep without being bothered by the fleas :( That's good info, though, SBC. I will tell my mom!


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Oh boy, busy day yesterday.

First off, I went to my last Garden Club meeting as President. We had our October elections and I am now a past president. I served my two-year term and I am done. It really is a relief because I just can't devote the time to it that I used to be able to, plus I don't even live up there anymore, so....but it was great to see all my lovely garden club lady friends as usual. One funny thing though, my sobriety was jeopardized when one of the hostesses served spiked punch and I didn't know, lol. I heard her responding to someone in regards to what she made the punch out of, "Oh there's a cup and a half of amaretto in it!" Agh :he :gig It was really good. And this was in the middle of the day, at a GARDEN CLUB meeting, at a CHURCH!@ lol Oh well.

So when I got home, Tim was right behind me with the truck with two cheap CL goats. Oh man, he got these boar does for $25 each and they are FATTIES! He will be shipping them right off to auction on Monday and will get a pretty penny for them. He put them into a hot wired area, and a short time later there they were with the other pregnant nanny goats butting heads :barnie Right through or over the hot fence they went.

Two tom turkeys got in a fight to the death almost yesterday too. Tim ended up putting one of them in lock up. I let him out later because I thought he was attacking one of the new turkeys that had gotten out. After putting the new turkey back, i let the aggressive one out thinking all would be okay. When I told Tim, he started screaming at me yet again that I shouldn't have dne that because he wasn't attacking the new guy, he as attacking one of his buddies. Oh whatever. Tim didn't need to scream at me about it.

We also had been fighting earlier that day about Uriah. He's still lagging a little and we got into a fight about whether or not to lock him up. I didn't think we should if Tim wasn't going to give him anymore penicillin. Again, whatever. It's ridiculous how everything turns into a screaming yelling argument over the littlest things. why can't we just get along in harmony and do what's best for the animal? :he

It's 6:15 a.m. and we have to leave in a few minutes to take a horse to be ridden in the hunt this morning. A friend of Tim's is trying her out to se if she will work out as a hunting horse. This will be her second time, she did okay the first time.

It's Tim's birthday. I got him a Kindle Fire so he can check his Craigslist every minute of the day no matter where he is. He'll love it.

Tonight is the monthly Sheep Producers Association meeting and it's pot luck, they will have lots of lamb dishes. :drool I think I'm going despite the fact that Tim doesn't want to go and it's his birthday. He said he doesn't care, and I'm sure he will be happy staying home playing with his new Kindle Fire.

Oh, I have washed a lot of wool and ordered my Strauch drum carder finally. I'm really into this felting thing and am ready to roll. Oh, and I also bought two domain name and will eventually make a website to go with them. I just couldn't resist buying these two names because they are great: and :woot Aren't they great names?

Okay, have to go deliver a horse!