Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Today was a busy farming day! This is how it went: Herd these guys here ---------> Herd those guys there <------------Move these guys in here --------++++>>>>>>>Chase after these guys over here %^%%$$#$#

First thing this morning we brought all the sheep up to the barnyard so we could snag one. I wanted the Tunis up because she has been limping badly again, plus she looks like she could be pregnant. I really have no way of knowing with this haphazard flockkeeping :rolleyes:. Tunis are off season breeders for sure, so she probably is. I can't imagine that she is just that fat, since she spends most of her time out there on her knees for gosh sakes! I'm thinking this spring...get rid of the tunis for sure, except they have pretty good lambs. So anyways, we herded everybody up, then back down. Had one escapee, Brownie, who took off for the corn bin. So spent the next hour trying to get him back.

Then we went down to the creek and herded all the boer goats up to the barn. Did I mention that naturally when we move animals around, there is undoubtedly SCREAMING and YELLING involved, and not at the animals. :rolleyes: But, the goats were pretty good and they come up from the creek without too much trouble. So then we ran them all through our homemade chute and wormed them all. Tim also worked on Mikey's hoof because he has a bad hoof rot thing going on, with an open abscess between his hooves. Yuckers. So we have this concoction that works pretty good for hoof problems, we use DMSO (which is a viscous solution that when mixed with another vehicle is better absorbed into the skin) with LA200 and paint it on the hoof. It usually knocks out any problems in a day.

Here are some of the goats in our "chute." The gate at the end is our old headboard from our bed. Everything gets a second life here baby! lol We used some old lipstick of mine to mark the goats when we wormed them.

So then we kept the 3 littlest guys back because Tim wants to "experiment" with fattening them up. They are only a couple of months old and cute little buggers. We herded the rest of the goats back down to the stream.

Break time to get some work done inside. So I go back out to see if Tim is ready to worm the jacob flock, which has been locked up in the barnyard for a couple days and I am not even sure why anymore...I just want the to go back down the hill but Tim keeps insisting WAIT WAIT. So I go out there and he is on the tractor ready to rig up something. He asks me to help him load the old metal roofs that came off the old corn shed that is being rebuilt onto the tractor. So we chain up this big roof and off we go into the sheep pasture. Lencho our main man hole digger extraordinaire is out there putting posts in the ground. They are finally building me a shelter for my big flock! YAY! After about an hour or 2, we have a "manger" looking thing out there and I am happy as can be.

Nap time. Short nap. Client phone call interruptus.

Get up, go back out and see if Tim is ready to worm the jacob's yet. He is in the sheep shed building new lambing pens! He did a great job at making two lambing jugs, and room for another. He is really good at making something out of nothing. He can pick up a few pieces of scrap wood, an old gate and before you know it we have a chicken coop, or nesting boxes, or a manger, or lambing jugs!

The new lambing jugs

So he gets me to herd the jacobs over to our chute area, which does not go as well as the goats. They are bad sheep, lol. But I finally get them all into the chute and they get wormed and I am just overjoyed that they finally can go back down the hill and graze. But Nooooo, that would be too easy. He wants my new rye grass to be left undisturbed so we ned to move the sheep to yet another area. Which means I have to move hay, minerals, water trough, etc. *sigh*

Now I'm getting even more exhausted just blogging about my day. I'll finish tomorrow. Because the day is only half over. #26 boer goat ended up in a stall with the pig, the baby goats jumped into the stall with the new billies, a rooster and hens got relocated. My mind and body is too fatigued to go on, lol

Lator gators!


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
There's a lot of screaming when we move sheep. Just between my sister and I. She thinks I'm wrong and I KNOW she is.:gig


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
That is a loaded question Southern lol. Why do you ask, do I complain too much? :lol: I love everything about the farm, I just get aggravated at the onslaught of CL animals Tim has gotten. I love all the animals, and want to make sure they get the best care. We have limited space and pasture. We are way overburdened.

The scenery and countryside are beautiful here. I was out his morning and it was so pretty, the fall colors are splendid. I was standing in the barnyard looking at the sky and trees and here comes the hot air balloon right over our barn and house!

But of course, my FAVORITE thing is the sheepies! I love their wool, I love making things with it, I love the way it feels and smells. I love to spin it, felt it, etc. I love being able to use the things we make here on the farm. I love the chickens and that I can sell their eggs. Or I can paint them, or cook them :) I love my garden, and that I can grow pretty flowers and sell them. I grow gourds that I'll be able to paint and then sell. The farm is a great outlet for my creativity, although it seems I spend more time taking care of the animals than being able to be creative.

But I know I complain about Tim a lot. Every time he brings in a new animal, everybody has to get shifted around and stressed out, which makes me stressed out. As in yesterday. It was cool being able to get all that stuff done, but it was totally stressful on everybody and me. I am the type that would like to develop a plan and stick to a budget. Everything is blown out the window when it comes to Tim and his CL buying habits. "I'm going to go pick up some goats" he says, and comes home with 8 more goats, 3 turkeys and an alpaca. "Where are we going to put them? What are we going to feed them?" I ask? "I don't know, we'll figure it out." He replies. :he

Okay today is a new day. I am going to the farm center to load up on minerals, chicken food, and more rye grass seed. Later gators!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Oh no, no, no! I certainly didn't mean anything negative in my question! :hugs I love your journal and your candidness! Please forgive me if it came off any other way. Sometimes in writing we don't always get the essence of the statement.

I know the area you live in and it's beautiful!! Especially in the fall. I love your creativity. The passion you have for caring for all that has been entrusted to you is obvious. I share some of your frustrations too! I am always amazed at how much you do. Caring for an elderly lady, being a step mom, your artistry, farmer , a business woman....WOW!


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Oh thanks so much Southern, I appreciate that with all of my heart. :love

There never really is a dull moment on the farm. I am fortunate to be able to do all of those things you mentioned. I'm fortunate that I have good clients that pay their bills on time. I'm fortunate I get to even work at home. I'm fortunate to live on a beautiful farm. I'm fortunate to be able to work on creative things when I have time. I'm fortunate that I get to be around and care for all of these beautiful animals.

I'm fortunate that TIM HAS DONE ALL THE DISHES the past week because our dishwasher is broken and he doesn't feel like installing a new one! :lol: :bun :weee

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm fortunate that TIM HAS DONE ALL THE DISHES the past week because our dishwasher is broken and he doesn't feel like installing a new one!

Know what I call those days where you spend the whole day working on the farm? I call them Farm Day. lol While it may be stressful and not pleasant when you have to do that it does always look and feel much better when it's done and I know I am always happy I did it and it all got done.