Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
LOL I was reading the page which led me to the link. Then I googled some stuff...Have to keep DD away from BYH and Your journal... expensive hobby... :ep carders, wheels... :th what have I gotten into?
thanks for the page, it's great!


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Yep a wheel can be a bit pricey Southern! You can look for a used one. And you don't need a drum carder, just hand carders. I got mine for about $15.00 on ebay, but turns out they are actually cotton carders. The pins are shorter than wool carders, but they work!


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
I haven't really blog ranted in a while, so....

First of all, I love it when I am in creative mode. I wake up in the morning with all these ideas in my head! I love it! I'm going to be making some seriously big things with my wool. I want to make some giant Santas that are about 3 or 4 feet tall. And then I had the idea this morning of making some furniture! Yes needle felted furniture. Like a footstool, lol. I've got so much wool I CAN DO IT! Ha!

Yesterday I put Marge and the other 2 Romney type sheep out with Dipsy and the gang. The one that looks more like a Jacob I wanted to keep with the Jacobs, but Tim had to argue about it with me and I didn't want to argue so I put her out too. Dipsy got busy on her right away! She must have been in heat, because she was actually nibbling on HIS ear. They were so cute and cuddly. BUt what an odd match that will be, part Cormo, part Jacob, part Romney. Ugh. Well I haven't met a lamb that I didn't think was adorable yet, so who knows! While Dipsy and Sissy (that's her name for now) were busy, my two whethers, Stubby and Brownie were getting all excited and worked up. Those two guys are so cute. Stubby was mounting Brownie and humping on him, lol. They were standing next to the Dipster and I thought it was so funny.

So I have the two real Jacob ewes and the Jacob whether ready to meet the other Jacobs. I'm so worried, though, because Uriah, the little brat, has been head butting everybody, and has really been ramming my ewe Lily, and she's been ramming him right back. Lily is the matriarch of that bunch, and those two have really been going at it. I don't know what is going to happen when I bring them up and put them with the new Jacobs. The new ones are so mild and meek and shy. My old ones are bossy and have major ATTITUDE! :fl

Well, there's no tree here yet. Annie asked if we were getting a tree. I said "No. The cat will knock it over, the pigs will try to eat it, and all the ornaments and lights are in the truck and I'm not going in to look for them." Well, both Annie and Tim poo pooed me on this and I told them to go ahead and get a tree if they wanted one. Well of course those two couldn't get it together to actually make plans to go get a tree, so I guess we won't be having one. Annie especially is way too lazy to try and decorate it, so whatever.

So Tim's mom wants us to go to NY after Christmas to visit. We did it last year and we just drove up one day, spent the day in NYC the next, and came home the following day. We had a blast. But we didn't have 37 sheep, 15 goats, pigs, etc. We had 2 sheep, no goats. We had someone come and stay here and feed all the horses and let the chickens out, etc. That cost us plenty. But THIS year, no way. Tim's brother said he will come down the day before and will stay here and we can show him what to do. omg there is NO way. We have 2 goats ready to give birth any day (and after I saw that thread about the girl losing 3 kids that were just born in the cold rain...:hit) and I just don't trust anybody else to watch after them to make sure they kid okay. Tim's brother is not a farmer! I don't even trust him to feed the dogs! PLus Ruth being here without us. I just can't. Can not. I told Tim he and Annie can go without me and that I would stay home and care for everyone. But NO. It wouldn't be "fun" without me. I will be worried sick the whole time. What would you guys do?

On a better note, my cleaning lady Anita came yesterday and I gave her the felted rotty that matched her girl she had to put down. We both bawled our eyes out. She loved it. I also made a dog bed for the dog, and Annie made a mini present and a mini heart to go with her, which isn't shown in this pic.

On Christmas day, we will be going to my sister's for brunch and bringing all our presents. We're going to pick up Annie from her mom's and we are taking Ruth, too. It will be fun! Annie's mom and her husband just moved to a new house in WV. They are on a lake, so Tim is buying them all a used canoe for Christmas. MINI RANT: You are buying your ex-wife a canoe? WTH?: RANT OVER

Today I am going to deliver my Santa and child to the lady who bought it. She has a farm with Romney sheep! She also has a vineyard, and she does weddings there. It will be so much fun to see, I can't wait!

Whew, this was a long blog. Later! :weee

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm with you can't let just anyone come take care of your animals.
I also look at the liability issues. I know not all farms and farm animals are the same, so for everyone it may be different. Here, our animals are very guardy! No one can go in anyplace the LGD's are... our chickens do not like strangers and will flog, the turkey too.
The geese are guard geese and will bite someone they don't know. The goats...little ones not too much of an issue but the big ones? I don't know what they'd do. I know I wouldn't want someone injured by my animals. Some people think..."oh , cute lil' fuzzy animals, how hard could it be?'" Some people are not "gate" smart...can you imagine escaped sheep, or goats, dogs, pigs, horses.

Too much to risk!

Glad you stuck to your guns with the tree stuff!

I wouldn't be too upset about the canoe, it's like a family gift. Benefits Annie. Be glad you don't have to deal with bitter angry aggressive hateful exes! That is far worse, I see it all the time and always wonder why can't they just be civil? Better to be seperated/divorced and be somewhat friends than enemies, especially where there is a child involved. JMO

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
pppftt I with you too!! NO WAY am I leaving my animals (and I have WAY less) for anyone else to care for. Especially if they don't know them, don't know animals, and are not capable.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
Bridge...I'm with you...I also could not leave my critters and especially when babies are due!!!!

That Rott felting is totally awesome!!! Just got hubby to come to my computer to see the photo and he is also super should have a tag sewn on them with your "felting name"... you are so creative :)

No tree? Could you put a little tree up on a high table? One of those little fakey prelit ones, and put your felt critters on it for decorations...or...forget the tree...falalalalalalalalalala:)

Just went back to look at your felt creations....totally awesome!!! :love