Bridgemoof--Sheep & Wool festival

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
You TOTALLY got me!! I was just about to write back and say that was the most amazing thing I have seen yet! You stinker :D She is so precious. Those beautiful, big eyes.

Alice Acres

Ridin' The Range
Jul 22, 2012
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Had me too - I was thinking Wow, you really are getting as good as that lady whose post you shared who gets the BIG $$$ for her craft. ;)

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina BRAT! :lol: got me and my daughters. Gosh, how if we ever diiiiddddd breed our ewe is that how big the lambies are? So cute, and a jacobs! ;)

Must say, we love our sheepies!

DH picked up some felting stuff for us.... my DD made an alpaca... ????.... she's never done this before and it came out real good! We don't have a lot of different colors of wool so... then last night she made a Burnese Mtn Dog with a red bow. Pictures are not coming out, if you get too close or zoom in the picture is dark... camera is broken :/

Everyone has been playing around with it though, I will try a Great Pyrenees at some point!

So bridge how much are you selling your ewe lambs for? May just have to take a drive to VA and pick one up after lambing...I'll skip my sis's place..she'll never know! ;) Oh, and I am serious.


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Woo hoo Southern! Felting is totally contagious and addictive. :D I hope Santa brings you a new camera for Xmas so we can see pics!

I don't know how much I will be selling the lambs for, but I will give you a really good price because I know they will be loved! :love To the general public I will be selling the lambs for more than auction/market price because I wouldn't want them to get butchered :ya

We sold a piggy! But just one. We are delivering it on Christmas day. That means one piggy will stay here without its buddy. :hit I'm happy but I'm sad. :hu


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Yesterday we went on a little road trip to Misty Mountain Farm in Amissville VA. That's where we got out Finn sheep and the lady has a fiber business. I got my drum carder through her. Her daughter dyes and sells yarn through retail outlets. So Tim needed to get something to go with my Christmas present that he went and picked up on Friday. Well, it's fiber related but not sure what. My guess is a loom of some kind. While this is very exciting, it is also nerve racking because I have no place for a loom, and no time to learn how to weave, too! Well we'll just see. It could be something totally different. While we were there, I also picked out some felting needles, another bobbin for my wheel, and some acid dyes. :clap

So I would like Southern and Pearce to come and clean my house please. :D Pearce can scrub it down and Southern can organize it! I have my wonderful cleaning lady, but 4 hours after she leaves the place is a disaster again. omg the pigs! They are not outside yet, since we are getting rid of one on Christmas, I don't want the other one outside freezing by itself. :( It's only about 24 right now, brrrr! So Tim came home with some LLBean presents in nice big shopping bags. He left them sitting in the mud room. The pigs completely shredded them up. So I cleaned that up. Then yesterday I had put a bucket of eggs on the bench out there. The bench used to be a safe place. But now the pigs are just big enough they can reach what is up there. Well, a whole bucket of eggs dumped on the floor, broken all over. So I had to mop up that awful sticky mess. Then when we got home from our trip, they had ripped a hole in the bottom of the pine pellet bag, and there were a 1000 pine pellets all over. :he So now the dog food and pig food bags are on the front porch and I had to go out in the freezing cold this morning to get everyone's food. Brrrr! PIGS! :barnie

Today is pointsetta day. Every year on Christmas eve, Tim goes to this local nursery, some friends of his, and buys all their leftover pointsettas for $1.00 each. There are usually about 100 of them. Then he goes around and delivers a bunch. The rest we bring home and give out in the next week. We will have to haul 100 pointsettas from the greenhouse to our horse trailer. Then when we get home, bring them all in the house so they don't freeze. Since Tim and Annie didn't get it together to get a Christmas tree, Tim thought we could make a pointsetta tree. So this morning I will have to clean up the living room, put all my wool away somewhere, and make room for about 75 pointsettas. :sick Of course they will have to be up off the floor because of the bad pigs and bad cat. :gig

I better get busy! :weee

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I can't wait to see what you get for your fiber fun! When DH was at the shop for the felting needles he said he looked at carders... :ep and then spinning wheels... :ep ! What was cool though is he said we will have to look around for some 2nd hand. He likes all this fiber stuff... :hu you never know with him. :lol:

I love Tim's idea for the poinsettia tree! Bridge, with your creativity I know it will be beautiful! No tree here either.

Can't say anything about the pigs 'cause you know I hate pigs. :sick :hide (See, I want to say, "well what do you expect? They are disgusting pigs", but you are my friend and so I don't want to offend you, so I'll keep that to myself! ;) ) :lol:

OK Bridge... I'm all up for organizing... it makes me so dorky, giddy happy! We can go up to Tysons Corner and go to the Container Store! We will get plenty of Elfa (I love Elfa) and then we will go through the store and get everything we need. The Container store is the happiest place on earth. It is an organizers dream. The people that come out of the store are always smiling, they are so happy. Doesn't matter they just dropped a couple grand...they are so happy. The place even has T-shirts! Sounds dumb but I'm not kidding...once you go, it's all over. It is highly addictive. It really is an OCDers dream come true! :weee :weee :weee
:bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun
Ok , I'll stop there...I'm taking over your journal! :hide

My family saw me ask you about your lambs.... I'm getting the looks! :rolleyes:


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Southern, first of all, I DIDN'T BRING HOME THE PIGS!!! :lol: Tim did. And if I held my breath for him to clean up after the pigs, I would be dead. :sick :lol:

The pigs are going outside today whether I like it or not. I have the living room kind of cleared out for the poinsettia tree. Kind of. There's hardly any room to walk in there already. When we bring in the flowers, oh man. But I am trying to make an effort to make it look good, instead of the mess that would ensue if Tim were in charge of the operation, which he already is trying to do, and we've already fought about it this morning. :barnie

So Southern, container store sounds good! Thousands does not. :lol: But if you come to my place to organize, you will want to stay a week! I can tell you right now you will be appalled at the state of our barn and house. So, be prepared! In exchange, I will let you felt your little heart out, roll around in tons of wool, play with the spinning wheel, play with the drum carder, and maybe even play with a loom! And of course, pet sheep! :bun It's so cool your DH is into the whole fiber thing!

On Christmas day, when we go to Bon's, we have to bring all of our presents, eggs for brunch, Ruth, a pig, and a canoe! :hu

So, I think I am going on the trip to NY. We are going to move these sheep here----> and these pregnant goats into a stall here----> and the pigs over here-----> and give everybody hay and hope for the best. There is just no taking NO for an answer with Tim.

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