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Herd Master
I changed the engine oil and filter and the front axle fluid yesterday. Whoever put the engine oil drain bolts in sort of forgot to check the required torque before cranking them in. I had to use the air wrench to get them out. Then set my torque wrench to 28 ft/lbs to put them back in. 
Gotta say the Mahindra manual pretty well sucks.
I need to make a few more @CntryBoy777's Tractor Supports ®. It is getting really mushy, squishy, slimy on the left side of the "road" out of the pond area. About got stuck a couple of times again today. Had to use AWD and the hoe to extricate myself.

Gotta say the Mahindra manual pretty well sucks.
- It shows the location of the engine oil fill port. No, not a screw cap, a funky looking thing with a hose attached. And no instructions. I found a short video on it from "Mahindra Dan". You CAREFULLY pry it up with a flat screwdriver. OK, easy enough once you know. The plug has 2 good size O rings on it. Goes in hard, REALLY HARD. Don't know why they can't have a screw cap.
- It shows a drain bolt in the bottom of each front hub, the bleed screws on the back side and the fill port on top. PITA draining those things per the manual since there is no way to get anything under the drains. After I had done it I was looking at the TractorByNet site in the Mahindra owners forum and see people draining from the front center of the beam on similar models. Today I look and yeah it sure appears there is a drain plug there!
- Supposed to change the main fuel filter. Regular spin on but it has a screw fitting in the bottom where the water sensor goes. Instructions say to unplug the electrical connection, then take the water level sensor out by turning counter clockwise. POOR PLAN! All the fuel in the filter then drains out. Certainly something that should be done AFTER the filter is off the engine. Only I can't possibly get a grip on it to unscrew it and I can't get my metal band filter wrench on it because of metal parts too close to the bottom of the filter.
- And lastly (so far) the "pre" fuel filter, the one the guy at the dealer said was one and the same as the main filter. Only it isn't. Good thing he didn't sell me the insert. That filter is below the level of the fuel tank. Found some videos about this. One guy followed the manual's direction and in the video of his 50 hours service the fuel tank was draining all over the ground while he took the canister off and got the new filter inserted and the canister put back on. He added some text to the video that said not to do it that way. No chit! Another guy showed how he put in a shut off in the fuel line from the tank. I'll be doing that before I change that filter! Poor design. And WHY put the water sensor in the 2nd filter? That would mean that the "pre" filter would be full of water before it gets to the main filter. Someone suggested putting in an inline water separator after the shutoff. Sounds like a good idea, not sure how easy it is to find a small one of those. Would surely be easier to drain of any water that you can see in the bowl rather than waiting for the warning light on the dash or, as the manual suggests, pulling the sensor once a week to drain off water (and with no easy way to catch it) from a solid black spin-on. BTW, there was no water in my filter when I took the sensor out.
I need to make a few more @CntryBoy777's Tractor Supports ®. It is getting really mushy, squishy, slimy on the left side of the "road" out of the pond area. About got stuck a couple of times again today. Had to use AWD and the hoe to extricate myself.