Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
What????.....visitors and and a trip at such a critical point in your weather?.....priorities man!!....priorities!!.....ya have a breakdown and get it fixed....and then, announce a Delay?....just how could ya do such a thing to so many that ya call Friends?.......:barnie:rant.......:th......I guess we can do nothing, but wait......sure hope ya have a Great visit and a very safe trip.....we'll survive til ya get back, but will surely miss your updates......:)
Oh my, you are right!!! :oops: I am so rude and inconsiderate!! I apologize profusely and will cancel the trip to Canada. ;)

So Bruce, I was just wondering if you sing this song while you're on your tractor:

She thinks my tractor's sexy....
She's always staring at me while I'm chugging along...


Sorry I can't help it, this song was just on.
If any "she" is thinking that it would have to be one of the 20 chickens. And they only stare at me when they are expecting treats so I'm not sure the song applies:)

I am quite religiously using the grease gun. Anything that pivots has a zerk and I'm putting the gun on each one at least every 10 hours of use of that part. Some days the FEL gets little use but the hoe is working a lot. And probably somewhat "hard" duty with the bucket in mucky stuff. I always wash that off.

And yes there is a reason there is an engine hour meter but no odometer.

Tractor returned without any notification. Went outside early this afternoon and there it was parked next to the wood pile. No charge on the hose but I did have to pay $55 for them to "easy out" a broken zerk on the bottom of the boom. Must have hit a rock or something. They said the darn thing kept breaking apart so it took 1/2 hour.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
If you don't already have some, ya may as well get a package of grease zerks that fit your machine. Some will break off, some will plug up, some will simply & mysteriously disappear from the threaded hole & face of the Earth, never to be seen by modern man again.

(If it's like a lot of modern stuff, the holes aren't

actually threaded and neither are the zerks...they are 'drive in' zerks.
No threads, just ridges.
Drive-in zerks..

Some places call them 'push in' tho it takes a lot of force to get one all the way seated in it's bore, and they are a royal pain in the butt to get out if it goes bad or breaks off)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So you are saying I should use "cram in" zerks as replacements when I need them rather than the screw in ones that are there now? I can see where they would be a bitch to get out, and driving them in will destroy the tapped threads in the machine.

Been a LONG time since I've seen that drive in movie ad!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Just so @CntryBoy777 (and potentially others) don't feel neglected:

DW, DD1 and I were in Augusta, ME Sat evening/night on the way to see Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB and Saint Mary's in Halifax NS. Had dinner at a Japanese place called Kume Sushi Hibachi. If you happen to be in or near Augusta we give it 3 thumbs up.

Made it to Sackville, NB yesterday. B&B is nice but we chose it specifically because their restaurant had lamb on the menu. I love lamb, can't get it at restaurants at home. No lamb available tonight and maybe not when we come back on Wed night :( Might choose to eat at a restaurant in town, much less money.

Mt. Allison tour starts at 10 AM Monday, goes to 11:30. Then meet with registrar for 1/2 hour followed by the head of the languages program. DD wants to double major in Spanish and Japanese with thoughts toward teaching ESL and translating. After however much more time she deems necessary, we'll head to Halifax, it is only 2 hours driving. Yesterday was long, left at 10 AM got here about 7:20, lost an hour to the time zone. We'll get it back on Thursday though.