In the animal kingdom, most parents make it near impossible for the offspring to "stay at home". They stop feeding them, or chase them away, or simply leave them, and move on without them. As I recall, DD2 has now graduated college and having said diploma, should be seeking employment in her chosen field. Perhaps it would be in your interest to pay for or hire a professional to assist her in finding that starter position, preferably well beyond daily commute distance, where you can help her start establishing herself as an independent adult who can become self sufficient. In other words, her own apartment that SHE is solely responsible for keeping clean, cooking for herself, etc. As for DD1, she has the migraine obstacle to overcome but since she'll now be attending college, I would surmise that her field of study will lead to a future field of employment as well. It's never easy but the longer it takes to accomplish, the more difficult it will become. In the mean time, might be time for a sit down and enlighten, ground rule establishing discussion with both, establishing the fact that as long as they are living with you, help around the place will be EXPECTED, without being asked, and that there is no more "freeloading" living for them. Make them WANT to leave! 
Wishing you eventual success!
Wishing you eventual success!