The pond fish today. If they are native I have to guess they are some kind of panfish based on the joined dorsal and adipose fins. Probably a Pumpkinseed or Bluegill.
Pretty sure I've seen them at wally world as well. You could catch juvenile fish of multiple species as well as minnows. All would benefit the overall wellness of the pond.
wow bruce, just wow. i'm so sorry about your dd's accident but so glad no one was injured. you do what you need to do for yourself and your family. no one can make those decisions for you. the one thing I will say is that my daughter finally started growing up when I started making her responsible for herself. I didn't throw her off the pier all at once but it was a good thing for her. now i'm trying to teach her how important is for her to let her own daughter learn what the life of hard knocks is all about. being a parent isn't easy and I don't know about yours but mine didn't come with an owners manual.
my dad had a minnow trap like that and caught most all of his fishin' minnows with it. I can remember watching his face turn really red when I accidently opened it and all those little fishies swam away. talk about being thrown off the pier, he wanted to really badly.
Hmmm, I had a thought based on LS's trap suggestion. I wonder if whatever prior owners who put the fish in the pond behind the barn put any in the pond at the NE corner of the property. It too is man made but didn't dry out last summer. So ... what does one bait a minnow trap with?
Hey look, Google has a new satellite shot of our property! Must be as the pond was just starting to dry out so likely June 2018. Now you can see the area I fenced and where the solar panels are. That light brown area near the panels is the alpacas' dirt bath. They made it themselves. If you look CAREFULLY there is a black spot (Teddy) and a brown and white spot (Laddie) pretty much in a line from the south end of the big barn going to the pond