Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
No damage to the bucket, I left it out behind the barn for him to play with. Fed him in his new "dining room" this morning using colorful bucket #2. I hung it on its hook and went to feed the alpacas. I heard him making noise with the bucket, went back to his room and he was trying to get it off the hook. So I took it off and set on the floor. He ate some then came to find me (needed more scrubbing).

We went to my in-laws' for Christmas, left about 11 AM. Got home around 7:30 PM, put on my barn clothes (this time of year that means my insulated Carhartt coveralls) and headed down. Merlin was waiting at the gate (still there from when we drove in). His V-8 juice bottle (latest free toy this morning) had been brought out of the barn into the area between the barns, two "food buckets" were out in the field behind the alpaca gate. I brought them both in, put one with the other 2 in the room where I keep his food and put food in the other. I set it down on the floor in his dining room. He ate some then knocked it over and started to pick up the bucket. I set it upright and he started eating the food on the floor. He ate about 3/4 of it, then ate some out of the bucket. I am guessing that I will find the bucket in barnyard in the morning. Silly dog.

It will be interesting to see what he decides to do tomorrow. Expected temp at 2 PM - 32F, south wind 20 gusting to 30. ramping up to temp at 7 PM - 38F, south wind 30 gusting to 48.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Naw....can't stand the Pain long enough to get Numb...and when Warming up the 'Burn' is never Enjoyable...heck, this arthritis 'Seizes' on me below, can tolerate 0 for a short time....but, not below that....otherwise I'd be a 'Hibernator' and too much 'Dark' is not Kind for thise that have to 'Put Up' with put it 'Mildly'....;)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
3:30 PM, Temp 32F south winds 17 gusting to 39. Still on track for a 7 PM temp of 37, winds 30 gusting to 47.

I picked up Merlin's toys including last night's food bucket from the barnyard and put them on the workbench in the barn (put the bucket in the room where I keep his food). I should probably keep a list of what I've given him, remove what gets crunched "enough" and replaced so I know how much stuff to look for in the spring ;)

Wind is cranking!!!

I flipped the upper hinges on the gates at the front of the barn so the pins face down. Wasn't real worried about someone taking them off since there is no way to lock them but in the dark last night I had to bash up on the cane bolt (they like to freeze into the holes) and the gate came off! With Merlin standing on the other side. Good thing I had my headlight, never would have gotten it back on in the dark. Problem solved now that they are in the proper orientation.

Wind is really CRANKING!!! Guess it is time to go outside before it gets dark to give the chickens their scratch, the alpacas their pellets and feed Merlin. If you don't hear from me for a long time, I suggest looking in Quebec, the border is only 20 miles north.

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Not that windy here. Supposed to get freezing rain and all that garbage overnight tonight though. I just hope we don't lose our power! That happens a lot here.

Are the alpacas letting you touch them yet?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Update (just so you don't worry), I got back to the house ;)

Dog's dish in the snow in the barnyard. Green food bucket MIA. Gave the chickens their scratch, fed Merlin in the pink bucket. Actually, I put food in it, he didn't eat. Gave the alpacas their pellets. As is common, had to make sure Laddie didn't get all the pellets, pushy guy. Then I had to make sure Merlin didn't eat them. I guess they smell good to him.

When they finished, Merlin and I went out the alpaca door hunting the green bucket. It was up against the old fence north of the pond. Also collected a rectangular (squished) juice bottle closer to the barn. Gave Merlin scrubs, he actually had enough at some point and went to what I think is his usual indoor bed spot, near the outside (west) wall opposite the chicken coop.

Timely question @NH homesteader !! I tried today with Laddie since he seems to be less skittish. Didn't go well. I had their 2 flat leads, one clipped to the loop of the other. Got it laid over his back but that was about it. Darned YouTube videos make it look like they go all calm when you do that. Nope. We were in their stall, I guess I should have shut the door, Teddy had hightailed it out back. Soon as I had a hold of both ends of the "long" lead, Teddie made for the door. As you can imagine "4 on the floor" is a lot more power than "two in the shoe" :D He and the leads went out back. Took some time but I managed to retrieve the leads. Another day I guess.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Spent much of the day looking for chickens. It was above freezing and blowing a ton all night so a lot of snow melted. Merlin and the boys were out by the solar arrays when I opened the "dog proof" chicken door. The girls evidently decided it was safe to come out into the barn alley, their normal winter haunt. Then they went into the alpacas' stall. Merlin came in for scrubs and breakfast. Then he went down toward the alpaca area. He looked in the stall and the birds started to freak. He took a step into the stall and they REALLY freaked. 10 rans back to the coop, 2 ran the other way and out the alpacas' door with Merlin close behind.

I got out in time to see Yue going over the rail fence at the NE corner of the barn. Didn't see Penelope. Merlin was coming back from the barnyard so I ASSUMED Penelope was out that way. To shorten the story, I hunted those 2 girls in their usual haunts and anywhere else I could think of for an hour and a half. No tracks in the melting snow to help. Then I had to take DD1 to her Bowenwork appointment, then grocery shopping. When we got back DD1 gave the boys their pellets and threw scratch in the coop for the 10 that were there then started hunting chickens while I put the new registration sticker on my car. Really don't want to forget that. She was all over with scratch in a container shaking and calling the girls with no success.

I got a flashlight so she could see better in places a 23 Y/O 5' tall and way more flexible than me person could get down to. Finally found them under the back deck. I had looked there several times but they weren't answering and I couldn't see them. I put Merlin in the "integration" coop and DD1 slowly walked the chickens down with scratch. I had to play herding dog to keep You from going back around the front of the house.

12 girls in the coop this morning, 12 girls in the coop tonight. Of course I accomplished not much of anything that I wanted to do today.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well Bruce...ya made to 'Appointed Rounds', spent Time with your animals, gave them 'Undivided Attention', the chickens got Extra scratch, and ya did it all without Losing a single one!!....sounds like a Great day to me....:thumbsup