This has been so thrilling. My little men (I was telling the little mama clone to be a girl, he didn't listen lol) are so precious! Already strong little beefcakes and striking poses like their parents do in the shows!!!
The chocolate and white really takes after Thor, so his name is Loki!!!
I wanted to name the clone Feliene like in Bambi movie, but he's a dude and needs a dude name! Any suggestions to go with his brother???
Some extra shots of the less then 12hr old boys, posing!
Do you believe that clone?!! Hilarious!
They are soooooo cute!! I love the clone and he looks like his mama for sure!!! She sounds like a great mom and I'm sure you were excited to see how healthy and big they were! Congrats!
Thank you x1000000000!! Yes, very thrilling to have 2 big healthy boys. I just heard from my friend (that the new guys are coming from and breeding for a decade) she couldn't believe how big they were either! Which I pretty neat from my first first babies ever born to me period! Yaaay!!!
BrownSheep- you are not imagining anything! I'm suprised you picked that up!!! Bambi has the smallest out of everyone! My entire herdhas mohawks! One of the neatest and quirky reason why I love my fainters. Well, and they FAINT! Lol. my Marilyn, who was our first doe and our #1 (due Feb24!) Has the biggest. During summer when her hair is short, her mohawk will stand right at 6inches! Lol!!!!!!
Included a pic of Marilyn thr first time she met Cadillac (daddy to Shadow babies due Feb 26). You can see both of their mohawks lol! Enjoy!I