No babies as of yet. I didn't get to spend too much time with the girls this weekend, errands and errands and errands!
But now I can focus on the girls this week! Shadow day 150 is tomorrow, from her first day exposed to Cadi. So basically anytime this week. Poor baby so small with her pooched out belly. She has been VERY happy in her birthing pen though!
Marilyn is on 143 and she was rather cranky this weekend. SOOO not like my lovebug. Her stomach is gargantuan! Her udder is really good sized and her myotonia has seemed to be in high gear! Lol! Poor mama can barely waddle without freezing or falling over. The best was when she was being a good auntie and teaching Odin how to headbutt.
Oooo! We also were contacted by a local breeder who is downsizing her herd! She has Thors brother and his new babies, and she has a doe that is just built like a barrel! She bred her last year to my FAVORITE buck, and is offering her yearling doe and wether to us!!! Cannot wait to go see them!!!!
Here is Capri on right and her twin brother on left.second pic is the Doe new kids, but are Thor brothers, so too closely related for me. pics aren't the best, but still makes me soooo excited!
Gretel stopped breathing hard and Agnes looks like she is being denied food shes so skinny! I feel like if I touched under her spine at the hollow by the hips on either side, my fingers would touch! Ligaments are still around though, barely there some moments and noticable the next.
Ooooooooo!!!!!! close close close!!!
I had my monitor turned up full bk ast last night and didn't sleep a wink! I swear sometimes I think I would sleep better curled up in the barn with them!!!
Ill update as soon as i get down to barn and can get my hands on them. They were still sleeping when i went down to feed horses.
** Update-so Shadow is in her birthing pen and happy as can be. She seems to have dropped a bit, and having discharge significantly! Her udder is still rather small in my opinion, but is firm and it is her FF. I think she will bag up quick when she is ready. She is just so content having her privacy and quiet away from everyone else. She is very spacey and la la la.
Marilyn has dropped more then Shadow, but she is obviously bigger.again FF. I think she is going to have big kids. She looks perfect, healthy and right on schedule! Her udder is nice and she is definitely stretching and engourging in her vuvla preparing to give me the most anticipated babies everrrrrr!
AHH! Picture on the left, Agnes did that this morning and I ran in there and was like "ITS OKAY I CAN HELP YOU!" and she burped up some cud and just looked at me. Nothing. Still has ligaments. Haven't seen it again, but I think it was the same thing.