C&D Farming..oh what a life!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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So, I’m buying a microscope to do my own fecals..and @rachels.haven gave me all kinds of info on all of what I need. The one she showed me is a really great deal..but, I thought I’d give one more try at getting a used one off our our local internet. Well, some texted me and told me to beware of. Nano tech that intentionally has been spread everywhere and is in everything. She went on to tell me to look into Morgellons...and to be prepared for what I’d read...hmm. Then she said bio magnetisms put our cells back in order...and to educate myself. I think I just texted with a whacko? I looked up those buzz words, but none of them made much sense to me and had nothing to do with animals. Some people are just goofy? :lol: At our Sunday dinner I was talking to our old farmer friend all about the animals. The milking troubles, pig not due yet, etc....he gave me some tips. He’s going to stop by and take a look at Busty’s udder. He thinks we should be getting 1/2 gallon twice a day from her? But she’s so hard to milk! Stormy...who is a skittish goat..gets up there...I can milk one side as a kid drinks theother. And her flow is awesome! I really do see the difference in a tight udder!! He said I should be milking both goats and then rationing the milk between the kids to know how much they get. Is that necessary? Seems like just more work for me. He also thinks we should take our cheese up to our health food store in town and see if we can sell it there. I know in some areas youcan get big bucks for goat cheese. This is a poor town...what would you think I should offer...but, that will even make it worth my time? Other than that..it was a beautiful day here! Got to spend a lot of it outside with the animals. Oh, I did a quick meet and great with Stormy and the new goat we named a Honey. Stormy gave her a head butted...but I knew that would happen. Honey was shy and get backed up and looked. I think, for a first encounter, it went pretty well!! Ok, good night!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
:oops:Did you tell her you don't care about nano whatits and you just want to look at poop extract blown up all big like? No lizard people in tin foil hats toting crystals or magnets invited?
...just kidding, that sounds like a dead lead on a microscope right there. Another one might come up. Just not that one.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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:oops:Did you tell her you don't care about nano whatits and you just want to look at poop extract blown up all big like? No lizard people in tin foil hats toting crystals or magnets invited?
...just kidding, that sounds like a dead lead on a microscope right there. Another one might come up. Just not that one.
Ok, I thought that was the deal, but just wanted to check that her fancy words didn’t actually mean something? What a nut! :lol:


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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So, today it is warm again so I opened the big barn door so I could do a good cleaning down by all the goats. Boy are those kids funny. I knew it was going to be interesting, and I knew they were going to try to get out, but, I figured I could handle it, and it needs to happen sometime, etc. So, there I go with my rake and shovel, and there goes Willy...out the door..no fear! I hurried along, but watched. He was just checking things out, no harm. I scooted him back in. We did this dance a few times. There’s a little area where you can go under our barn, if you’re small. All I could think of was Barb and her little Mike going under her shed! Well, Willy tried, but I grabbed a leg in the Knick of time! Stinker! Sooo, many ducks have hidden under there! We’re going to have to board it up before I let these hooligans out! Anyways, to the left of the barn is a sheet of thick ice. Willy went running and...all four went out from under him!! :lol: I was laughing as he did half a spin! It was soo cute! I scooped him up and decided he , and I had enough for today. I locked him in the stall while I finished myclea. Boy did he bawl!! This is the first time he was ever in trouble! :). Poor guy! The others looked outside, took a step, but nothing more. I think Willy is going to be a handful!!:love

Then I brought the new goats, Honey and Sugar in for another meet and greet. It went well again! A couple head butts, but nothing major! I made it clear that..’these girls are sticking around’...I fed them in front of my other goats and within a few minutes I passed the bowl around. Then we left. It was good.
Next i let Honey and Sugar help me with all my chores. They loved it!! In the barn, I have the two mini pigs that are due to farrow. Well, the goats couldn’t stand to be on the other side of the gate..so they jumped...well, Sugar needed a boost. :). But, the pigs were fine, as I figured, because they were raised with ducks and dogs. The girls were only in there for a few minutes as I fed the rabbits and the pigs, but they loved the new experience. Then we went on our usual walk. I think I tired them out pretty good. I haven’t heard a peep from them all day. Usually they are pretty talkative. Oh, tried to milk Honey a bit. First of all, very small nipples..ugh. But, she seemed to have very little to no milk. Could she be drying up because Sugar is 3 1/2 mths old? Perhaps I just didn’t try hard enough on her because I didn’t want to stress her. She’s a FF and has never been milked.

on other news...poor Chris was gone long before I got up this morning...around 6:30, and is still not home. He’s working on a MAJOR plugged sewer. Poooor guy. Can only imagine how tired he will be when he gets home? I don’t think he had a chance to collect garbage yet either...I saw some of our renters still had garbage out. He has the dump truck, or else I would do it. Could you see me, head first in a dumpster??


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I think they ARE the trash service for all the rental units.

He also thinks we should take our cheese up to our health food store in town and see if we can sell it there.
Have you checked on regulations in PA for selling home made food items?

Some people are just goofy?
Sounds to be like one of her oar locks is broken.

I think Willy is going to be a handful!!:love
I think Willy is going to be your FAVORITE!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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@Baymule Don't you have trash service? You know, the big front loader trucks that empty the dumpsters and take all the trash away?

Stripper name for a goat; Fantasia Glitter Thong
There are trash companies, but, Chris can do it much cheaper...and, you should know by now...... :lol: as for the stripper name? Well....I was running some of them through my head, to see myself yelling them through the yard as the goats misbehave....could you just imagine that one? :lol: I was actually considering mentioning‘hot stuff’ to Chris, since we seem to picking adjectives...but, once again, my neighbors would think I’m yelling sexy stuff to him all the time!! I suppose, nothing new around here!:love So, we’ll see...we have a road trip tomorrow to get a tractor...except he says I can’t go because it’s too dangerous. I said..that’s WHY I’m going. He said, then I won’t get his money...I said..you probably buried it all in the septic tank anyways..:lol:

the sewer issue was with out whole apart building!! He didn’t get home until after 6! He smelled like a lovely flower! I teased him and put a can of soup and can opener on the sink....poor guy! Obviously I had a nice hot dinner for him!

@Bruce ...about the regulations on selling cheese...yes, I looked into it when I looked into selling eggs, because we were going to pickle them. Apparently we might need an inspection? I’m not sure....I hav3 to go back into the website. My farmer friend doesn’t believe in the govt! But we don’t want to get arrested!! ;)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's not just "don't want to get arrested"; I am not a big government intrusion person. But it is also a liability issue. All you need is one person to get sick......even if THEY MISHANDLE IT AFTER GETTING HOME...... and you could lose everything. Even if you follow all the rules to a T.... make sure you have a good liability policy. That is one of the reasons that I am no longer interested in doing cow shares for my jersey's milk. I will give it to friends, but I am no longer going to do the cow share/ milk share that I wanted to do upon retiring. I will raise a set of calves on the cows, and milk for myself, and that's it. I have a 350 gallon stainless steel bulk tank, that will cool the milk and everything. But I have made the decision to not go that route because I am not going to deal with the "stupid" people out there in the public. That is why we sell beef by the "half" of a live animal..... they are buying the live animal, after that it is their deal.
You need to go to "Real Milk" and it will list all the regulations for each state that has to do with milk, and milk products. Also "Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund" which has a lot of good information on liability issues and even gives courses on things like handling and selling raw milk and other products.
And make sure if you sell any live animals, if for any reason you had to treat them with antibiotics for any reason, that you have records of it as well as lot numbers of the antibiotic, and KNOW the withdrawal times of ANY ANTIBIOTIC or Vaccine or any other treatment that you may use. Not knowing is no excuse if there is any question by someone that bought an animal from you..... say a rabbit to eat or a wether to butcher.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
It's not just "don't want to get arrested"; I am not a big government intrusion person. But it is also a liability issue. All you need is one person to get sick......even if THEY MISHANDLE IT AFTER GETTING HOME...... and you could lose everything. Even if you follow all the rules to a T.... make sure you have a good liability policy. That is one of the reasons that I am no longer interested in doing cow shares for my jersey's milk. I will give it to friends, but I am no longer going to do the cow share/ milk share that I wanted to do upon retiring. I will raise a set of calves on the cows, and milk for myself, and that's it. I have a 350 gallon stainless steel bulk tank, that will cool the milk and everything. But I have made the decision to not go that route because I am not going to deal with the "stupid" people out there in the public. That is why we sell beef by the "half" of a live animal..... they are buying the live animal, after that it is their deal.
You need to go to "Real Milk" and it will list all the regulations for each state that has to do with milk, and milk products. Also "Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund" which has a lot of good information on liability issues and even gives courses on things like handling and selling raw milk and other products.
And make sure if you sell any live animals, if for any reason you had to treat them with antibiotics for any reason, that you have records of it as well as lot numbers of the antibiotic, and KNOW the withdrawal times of ANY ANTIBIOTIC or Vaccine or any other treatment that you may use. Not knowing is no excuse if there is any question by someone that bought an animal from you..... say a rabbit to eat or a wether to butcher.
Yikes!! That is a lot to think about!! My old farmer friend doesn’t play by 5he rules in any way shape or form. He told us last nigh5 5hat he never took his animals to the vet....said he doesn’t believe in vaccines, etc. ????? He sells his cows to butcher. He’s a wonderful man, and a dear friend, who shows up on my door just to help me find a chicken...last night. It was just by chance. He came to drop off farm newspapers. But, Chris listens to a lot of what he says. Not about his way to sell the cheese. Chris would NEVER risk what we’ve built. But, a bunch of my kids’ horns seem to be growing in, despite being debudded by the vet 4weeks ago. The iron will be here in a few days. Our friend told Chris we should wait and if need be..scoop them out...like he did on cows. I don’t want to do that one bit. These are goats...not huge cows.

Anyways..I will go to those websites and read what is involved in selling cheese or fudge. If it’s too involved, I’m thinking, it might not be worth it? Thanks @farmerjan !!