Can anyone tell me about Silkie Chickens


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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If you want true Ameracuanas you do not want to buy from a hatchery. Hatcheries sell Easter Eggers as Ameracaunas and Araucanas. EEs are pretty and come in an array of colors and have some of the characteristics of Ameracaunas (beard and muffs) but are mutts. They do lay colored eggs though which can be blue and green. If you fall for the Ameracaunas you will want to find a local breeder to get true Ameracaunas. If you want to do some research on Ameracaunas try looking here . That is the link for the Ameracauna breeders club and it is loaded with information and pictures. Ameracaunas come in LF and bantam varieties.

P.S. I have nothing against EEs, I actually have 5 myself, one of which is a roo. I do plan to get some true Ameracaunas though, as I have fallen for them and want to add a few to our flock. Just thought you should be warned about the "Ameracaunas" from hatcheries.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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marlowmanor said:
If you want true Ameracuanas you do not want to buy from a hatchery. Hatcheries sell Easter Eggers as Ameracaunas and Araucanas. EEs are pretty and come in an array of colors and have some of the characteristics of Ameracaunas (beard and muffs) but are mutts. They do lay colored eggs though which can be blue and green. If you fall for the Ameracaunas you will want to find a local breeder to get true Ameracaunas. If you want to do some research on Ameracaunas try looking here . That is the link for the Ameracauna breeders club and it is loaded with information and pictures. Ameracaunas come in LF and bantam varieties.

P.S. I have nothing against EEs, I actually have 5 myself, one of which is a roo. I do plan to get some true Ameracaunas though, as I have fallen for them and want to add a few to our flock. Just thought you should be warned about the "Ameracaunas" from hatcheries.
Appreciate the warning and the informative input. Always good to get a lot of input to be able to sort out what's best for me and mine. Thanks again. :)


Loving the herd life
Sep 6, 2011
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Chickens are actually really pretty clean animals if they have some room to roam. The coop is pretty easy to clean you just scoop under their roosts for the most part & replace with some fresh wood chips. Really, I think they smell a lot less than the cat's box lol. They smell no where near as bad as dog feces either. They are really easy keepers & give you yummy eggs. I am a chicken fan after only 6 months lol.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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that's*satyrical said:
Chickens are actually really pretty clean animals if they have some room to roam. The coop is pretty easy to clean you just scoop under their roosts for the most part & replace with some fresh wood chips. Really, I think they smell a lot less than the cat's box lol. They smell no where near as bad as dog feces either. They are really easy keepers & give you yummy eggs. I am a chicken fan after only 6 months lol.
Thanks for sharing your experience. DH is coming around and the more we know and hear from experienced people like you (you have 6 months under your belt) the less nasty it will seem. And DH will definitely understand about dog feces odor. Love ya Jake but :sick


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
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North Central Ohio
By the way, egg color gives no bearing on quality. Letting them get out and forage in the yard will give you the quality eggs. Another thing to determine is how into chickens are you. Like me, I don't need stuff from a breeder and spend lots of money. I just enjoy having a color variety of chickens that lay eggs for me and look pretty in the yard when they are out. I'm not breeding and don't plan to sell. If you do want chicks and sell them, I would research what people are looking for. If people just want some inexpensive chicks and don't care if they are mixed breeds or not, then it doesn't matter where you get your chickens. If high quality bred chickens are what people want, then you would want to buy from NPIP certified breeders and then keep your breeds separate.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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ksalvagno said:
By the way, egg color gives no bearing on quality. Letting them get out and forage in the yard will give you the quality eggs. Another thing to determine is how into chickens are you. Like me, I don't need stuff from a breeder and spend lots of money. I just enjoy having a color variety of chickens that lay eggs for me and look pretty in the yard when they are out. I'm not breeding and don't plan to sell. If you do want chicks and sell them, I would research what people are looking for. If people just want some inexpensive chicks and don't care if they are mixed breeds or not, then it doesn't matter where you get your chickens. If high quality bred chickens are what people want, then you would want to buy from NPIP certified breeders and then keep your breeds separate.
I'm more in the frame of mind of how you have your chicken set up. Not going to raise, just enjoy color and eggs. Thanks, your reply was a big help. :)

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
I used to have 25 different breeds of chickens - standards and bantams. I love variety and used to sell a lot of chicks / hatching eggs.

I have 3 breeds right now.

Silkies. Standard Cochins. Buff Orps.

The buffs I sell as a 'dual purpose - meat / egg bird' - they're a nice enough, docile brown egg layer, but they don't excite me.

The cochins, people see and fall in love with and want. I've yet to meet a 'mean' cochin roo. EE / Ameracauna roos can be real jerks. I have the holes in my leg to prove it. (NOT all are, but some...)

Blue cochin roo, black hen. She's broody so he's protecting her.


But silkies? I LOVE silkies, I always have. I can pick ea. of my silkies up w/ nary a squawk, carry them out to their tractor on nice days, and there they stay until I bring them back in to their shed. Just sweet birds, great for kids to be around, and so pretty. They are broody heifers and you'll have to have several to keep eggs coming, but they are by far my fav. breed.



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I'm like ksalvagno. Not into breeding for any real purpose. And I too get my birds from Meyer.

Here's what I have to help you understand my journal discussions.:

Golden Buff: This is a sex I was guaranteed to get pullets by ordering these. My purpose was good egg layers.

Salmon Faverolles. I specifically ordered my roo from that breed. I've also got 2 pullets. Very sweet temperament.

Silver Lakenvelder. That would be Lucky. A very flighty breed. She lays pretty well though.

Sliver Hamburg. I have one, Susie. She's a good layer but likes to hide eggs on me.

Buckeyes. Good dual purpose. Very cold hardy and goes broody. And they're originated from my state :)

EE. I've got a handful of pullets and 1 roo. The roo needs to be reminded constantly that I am the top roo.

Buff chanteclers. She's a little crazy.

Turken. I don't really like her...DH loves her. Reminds me of an old man with a toupee.

Barnevelder. This is what Skeeter is. All 3 that I have are super sweet.

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. I have 2 pullets. They love to free range and go the farthest out of all of the chickens.

Sicilian Buttercup. I have a handful. Very alert and active. Lightning quick.

Appenzeller. I've got 1. Call her Cruella. She's very flighty.

Buff Brahma. I have 6 pullets and 1 roo. So far the roo is sweet. Pullets on the other was one of these that had me removing a mole.

Polish. I have 2. They are night and day in personality. One is by your side all the time and the other wants nothing to do with people.

Cochin. Miss Flufferbottom. She's our chicken dog.

Barnyard Mixes. The ones that Cinni hatched are wild. 2 are roos and will become dinner. The other is a pullet. Then there's Fluffer's 7 chicks.


Overrun with beasties
Nov 8, 2010
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South Ga
Compromise and get a silkied cochin.
YES they exist i have seen them on BYC and Ebay

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
Salmon favs are another favorite of mine, I had blue favs, too. I found them to be beautiful, but not real hardy. Easily dominated and got sick 1st.

I like the brahmas, too. The light brahmas we had were from show lines, but pooooor layers.