Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Spent a little time in the creek yesterday digging out branches & debris that might lead to another culvert clog & bridge flooding.

Was greeted as I walked in to work by a friend on a day crew yelling from the loading dock "What the he77 Debbie!!!! I saw on the news you've been tearing up the whole coast!!!" I yelled back that sometimes us redheads just have to cut loose & wreak a little Havoc. 🤣

I'm not loving the night shift.... yet. So far I'm coping with the hours & all just fine. But the creel crew pretty much keep to themselves.... waaay back in the back of the creel. The supervisor stays in the office unless I need him for something. So I'm pretty much just sitting at the Beamer alone listening to the radio for 12hrs.
That's not necessarily a bad thing.... just not the constant teasing & playing & goofing off that I'm used to.

Hoping 'my' hurricane will pass on by with no serious problems.

Midnight lunch is almost over, time to go back out. Only 7 more hrs to go. 🫤


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’ve worked night shift before. Second shift, going in a 3 in the afternoon and getting off at midnight, or going in at 11 PM and getting off at 7 AM. I was not crazy about either one, but graveyard shift did give me time on the evenings with husband and my baby. It was hard. Husband would meet me in parking lot when I got off, hand me the baby and I’d go home with a revved up toddler who was ready to play. I was a zombie.

Nights are longer than days, I don’t care what the clock says! I feel for you. Is this going to be your shift from now on, or a swing shift where you go back to days, then nights, then back to days…….


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I’ve worked night shift before. Second shift, going in a 3 in the afternoon and getting off at midnight, or going in at 11 PM and getting off at 7 AM. I was not crazy about either one, but graveyard shift did give me time on the evenings with husband and my baby. It was hard. Husband would meet me in parking lot when I got off, hand me the baby and I’d go home with a revved up toddler who was ready to play. I was a zombie.

Nights are longer than days, I don’t care what the clock says! I feel for you. Is this going to be your shift from now on, or a swing shift where you go back to days, then nights, then back to days…….
I'm not sure. I'm trying to settle in as if this is permanent. But when the supervisor of the day crew I left asked how things were going, he commented - twice - "maybe it won't be for long".
So, I guess there's some chance I'll go back to days?
I'm trying to find as many good things to love about night shift as I can.
Fresh Hardee's biscuits on the way home.
Able to plan & run errands on the way in... feed store, trash out, forgot to plan lunch? stop by Food Lion...
Long, slow 'mornings'. I get up & can have 2-4 hours to have coffee, snuggle the cats, piddle around the house.
We can have our phones on the floor as long as they aren't a distraction.
It's cooler.
More 'days off'. After I finish this shift I'm off Fri, Sat & Sun. But I don't go in till 7pm Mon... so it's like an extra day.... sorta.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
It seems that I either got into a nest of seed ticks, chiggers or a swarm of no-see-ums while in the creek.
Itchy little bumps on arms, feet & legs... but mostly on my back! Allll across my shoulders. Driving me crazy. And can't reach to apply calamine or other itch stoppers.

'My' hurricane is making herself known. I had my alarm set for 4. About 1:50 the weather alarm on my phone goes off - tornado warning till 2:15. I look outside & it's bright, no wind... pretty afternoon. 5 mins later the wind picks up. 'That's a little concerning'. I go ahead & get up, make coffee, head to the den to check radar. By 2:05 the wind is really up, it's getting dark & POURING!!! I put the cats in the dog crate, crack the sliding glass door (to hear the storm better?) & watch radar on loop.
2:20 the rain let's up, wind is gone, brightens up.
May as well stay up... I'm definitely awake now!

I hope everyone in the path of this storm is doing ok.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Got a back scrubber brush in shower? Put lotion on it and scrub. Or on a towel and pull like your drying off. These are things we miss when singles..☺️ another set of hands.

Just a heavy band before the bigger part. Was at store 10 miles from home. Tornado warnings blaring...rains sounded like fire hoses full force -- could barely see through to other side of street. Maybe couple hrs of heavy, then not. I left during a not 😂. Roads had some flooding, ditches full. About 3 miles from home, obviously a good rain but, not like where I was. My turn will get here 🙄😫 and probably during night when I'd like to sleep.

OR...when it's time to leave for the produce auction in Courtland tonight 🫤 Haven't been this yr and when I have time, weather hits. We'll see..... :idunno 😁
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Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I had forgotten ALL about that auction! 🫨
Hummmm..... I will occasionally be off on a Thurs night & not have to go in till 7 on Fri. The main reason that I stopped going was because it was just tooo much to get home around midnight, have to do something with the produce so it would keep till the weekend, and be up at 4:30/5:00 the next morning.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, checked site & was cancelled this week -- weather. So, saved a trip. Off tomorrow but may work a job anyway -- weather, might as well. 😂

Maybe next week. Like you say, gotta be ready to use/process right away. Garden had some flops this yr -- weather -- so gonna buy a couple things that didn't do well.

Close for me, only 12 miles. 👍