hoping it will be an easy night... and EVA will stay put. Is she in heat? or is she bred???
The weather changes, cooler temps, and they get to acting silly....
I love Eva. That’s exactly why we love calm gentle cows so much.
I had a cow break out once, went 3 miles down the road to a bull. Owner of the bull had a strange cow in his yard and turned her in his pasture, figuring someone would come looking for her. And yes, she got bred. A friend drove his truck, daughter and I sat on tailgate with a bucket of cubes. We gave her cubes and she trotted happily along behind the truck. Oncoming cars and trucks pulled over to let us by. Friend said all he saw was teeth from everyone laughing as we went by.
New plant mgr came by this AM & said that there wasn't anyone to replace me on THIS shift, so he can't let me move to either of the day shift positions.
I'll keep watching & submitting forms as spaces come open.
Well, get in a little more time, and when a position equal to what you have comes open, and new plant mgr says, no because there is no one to replace you, you can always say that then you guess you will be job hunting because nights are just too difficult for you..... I think that if you push them a little they will want to keep you rather than lose you...... and do some job hunting... people who can go in and learn totally new skills and do as good as you are, are not hanging out on every street corner... so they might " think again" rather than lose you. But do some looking and have a backup plan....
Well I completely vanished for a bit! I think that I posted that i had a cold & have been working sick? Anyhow, I got home Fri AM & went to bed. I had an alarm set for 2:00pm because my hay guy was coming. Got out there to meet him & chatted for a while. Blossom is doing great by the way. Then came back in feeling shakey & still soo sleepy and laid down on the sofa. Except for feeding the cats & letting the chickens in & out I slept straight through Fri & Sat!! Woke up sometime in the pre-dawn this AM finally feeling human again. Starving & thirsty but for the first time in a week, not struggling to keep my head up.
.... I don't recommend it.... but I managed to drop 6lbs this week
Glad you managed to "sleep it off" which is a good way to get over things. As @peteyfoozer said, as long as the critters get taken care of...
Terrible way to have a weekend off though....
Glad to hear Blossom is doing good...
Enjoy today... hope the weather there is nice, we are having COOL nights in the upper 40's but days up to 75-80... Sun for a week here... but it is dry... Weather report this morning actually mentioned our drought getting worse again. We are down from severe to moderate so better... but just west of us it up in the severe to EXTREME categories now...
Hope we don't get any moisture for a week... we finally have hay on the ground again...