Mini Horses
Herd Master
Changing your entire "self" for 2 days, off the on...
Nope! Nights for 3 month, days for 3 month -- I'd not like but could adjust. 2 on/2 off you just have to give it up and stay pretty much on that schedule. 

When kids were school age, I worked full time. Usual rush home, fix dinner, help homework, get them to bed. THEN housework got done. I swear, even after they were out, that night schedule for housework stuck!!! Hard to switch a habitual schedule.

When kids were school age, I worked full time. Usual rush home, fix dinner, help homework, get them to bed. THEN housework got done. I swear, even after they were out, that night schedule for housework stuck!!! Hard to switch a habitual schedule.