Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I wanted to get in a couple hours of yard work when I got home yesterday morning.
I covered the garden bed in a layer of wet cardboard to smother the tiny little sprouts that had suddenly covered it.
Then I tarped Eva's spare bale .... because she was eating it through the side of the wagon instead of eating the one IN the feeder.
Then I decided that I really wanted to get all these dry leaves mowed/mulched up and on the flower beds. But there were HUNDREDS of pine cones. I usually just mow them, but there really were a LOT. My back was already a little achey from work so I decided to make a Pine Cone Picker-upper. I found an old plastic post, zip-tied a couple of big nails to it & started filling a bucket with cones. Six buckets later, arm & hand itching (?), and half the yard cone free - it's time to clean up & get some sleep.
Then the itching turned into prickling & stinging.
Yep..... that old post wasn't plastic, it was fiberglass. 🙄

.... I'm so 'smart', I'm so 'clever' 🥴... I'm going to spend the next week with a hand full of invisible splinters.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Trying to figure out how I feel about this.

When I was on days, there was a young man on my crew who was so much fun to work with. Funny, energetic, smart, kind, hardworking. He was transferred to nights several weeks before I was - onto a different crew.... one I was GLAD to not have to work with.
I've been told that he is interested in becoming a Beamer operator & that they are assigning him to my crew - & that I'm to train him.
.... and then he'll be transferred back to our old day crew.

Since one of my biggest complaints about night shift (besides the obvious sleeping issues I've had) is the complete lack of any kind of friendly interactions, I'm thrilled to spend several weeks working with him.

I know that my old crew has been struggling badly. Being made up of a supervisor, a trained but not very motivated tech & a long string of temps & trainees has been really hard. So I'm glad that they will be gaining a great team member.

When I questioned management's decision to have me, the least experienced operator of the 4 on staff, do his training I was told repeatedly that they all felt I was the best choice - which made me feel really good. Especially considering how good the guys are at this.

This young man does have seniority. But I'm the one who has several times put in for day shift positions - each time stating that it's not because I just don't like nights but because my farm & home life is suffering. But when a day position comes open - doing the specific job I do - I'm training someone to do it.... & staying on nights.



Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
This young man does have seniority. But I'm the one who has several times put in for day shift positions - each time stating that it's not because I just don't like nights but because my farm & home life is suffering. But when a day position comes open - doing the specific job I do - I'm training someone to do it.... & staying on nights.

UGH! That happens frequently. Not nice but if he has seniority it depends how the company figures the seniority - actual time at the company or time on the particular crews. Hopefully you will get back to days soon, and the fact they recognie you are so good that yu can train someone else is a good review.

the least experienced operator of the 4 on staff, do his training I was told repeatedly that they all felt I was the best choice
The bosses recognize you are good at your job and understnad also how to get along with people and will do a good job training new personnel. Congratulations of being recognized!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My mother worked for years for a mortgage company, she was second in command. Her boss retired and she thought she would get the promotion. She was certainly qualified. But — no. They hired a young guy and she had to train him for the job she wanted. She was so mad that she took early retirement.