Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Well -- went to site. Per usual government directives 😵‍💫🤐 they give generalities, not many specifics. It "appears" they are considering a "farmer, or wanna be" for funding of this huge hoop house. There are suggested limitations within each category to be met, again minimally explained, for funding acceptance. Then no info at all as to what you are required to do/produce, or repay from this "co-operative" situation, or how much gov will be in your butt for life 😁🥴. Does seem they want commercial use for/from farmer. For how long 🤷

What info did your friend have for any of this? Heck, if no payback, just a prequal and production specks, I'd look into it. Conservation keeps appearing in their narrative 🤔wonder what that's about
She just said that she went down to the local office (USDA I believe) & applied. There was some kind of contract because when I suggested that this would be a great way to get into business raising meat birds, she said that 'no livestock' was in the contract. I mentioned at one point that she might be able to put her bees in there at 1 end .... but they're considered livestock.
It's going to work out perfectly for her because this is just about exactly the size of her existing garden & she can just have this installed right over her space. I'm really excited for her. This will give her 3 seasons of produce growing.
I'm off this coming Wed & Thurs & I might go by the office myself to get more details. Can't hurt to ask.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Is she required to sell produce? I might have to check it out. 🤔 That summer produce auction is only 13 miles away.
Is there an office near you? Wouldn't hurt to stop by & ask if there is some paperwork on this that you could look at.
It seems like this is a pretty substantial structure they're talking about. She did mention that you're required to have a contractor install the thing - to make sure it's done right I suppose - but that there is reimbursement for part of all of that.
I'll get more details later this week.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yep, there's an office not too far....might check. Payback is my consideration, not striking into a long term debt for something I'd like but don't need.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I believe I have a friend that did the high tunnel through the govt (not sure if it was federal or state). They use it to grow food for the family in rural Kentucky. She's "Sage and Stone Homestead" on YouTube (Youtube is also an income source). I haven't looked for specific videos on it, but maybe she's talked about it in vlog form. I'd be scared they'd blow over. Apparently they don't.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The high tunnels like this are used for a myraid of things... put up on a "pony wall" and they are used for livestock shelters, hay storage, equipment storage... all sorts of things... They are anchored in the ground or on the pony walls so they withstand some pretty substantial winds and all that.

I would be interested if they could be used for livestock... meat birds, raising pullets to sell as ready to lay... different things like that. But would not commit to anything that they would be dictating what I could do and not do or requirements for xx amount of dollars to be sold and all that... Sounds like your friend will benefit if they can just raise food for their family.... but I am at the stage that I don't want to get tied into some entity having too much control....
Still, might see about what they have to say about it... and what the time requirements are for the "payback".... it's like the programs they offered for the fencing out of streams and putting in waterers... for the cattle... xxx amount of years to comply, then you can do what you want. Some of that is 20 years for the fencing/waterers... but that is understandable... If there is something like a 5-10 year requirement... then someone that is wanting a greenhouse it might pay for them...

Honestly, if the "produce market" was as close as yours, @Mini Horses I would probably grow a little garden, for some fresh tomatoes and maybe some lettuce and such....few summer squash plants.... and just go buy what I want to can/process... at this stage of my life. It is over an hour to go to the one north of me... maybe grow a potato patch because they are easy and "saleable" in the fall... and for the exercise... Or grow something like the butternut and crenshaw squash... plant, mulch good, and then not alot of work until time to harvest... And grow my sunflowers because I love to look at them...

I don't want anything that big though... 20x30 would be max for me... I like the 10x20 Shelter Logic one I had... I am getting another cover for it...decided it was the best case scenario, for the money... frame is already up and waiting from the other one... and would make sure it is well anchored... the problem with the other one is that varmints were getting in underneath.... but if I have the electric netting around it now, that ought to stop any foxes/coons/opossums/ground hogs... from getting in there... it held up for several years so worth it to do it again for the winter chickens... if we get bad ice/snow/crappy weather... it does help them more than the littler coops. and is a whole lot better for me to take care of them.

I am still looking at ones, like the one @SageHill got, but our Costco cannot seem to get them in; had ordered one because they were not kept in stock......said they could not get it; and the ones that the myriad of "storage building companies" that are around here have, are $5-8,000 and I am not spending that kind of money on them. I would close in the deck off the kitchen first, and I am leaning strongly towards doing that. Make it a "sun room" type thing and grow some plants in there and be able to enjoy it especially during the winter...

Thanks for the tip, @canesisters ... still might call them and see what they are saying about it... DS has done several of the fencing things offered...

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