Carla D-Great new adventures and an Amazing Life

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
I want to thank each and everyone of you who replied to this post. While my daughter and I have already fallen in love with these two, I think you are all very correct on your assessment. While I’m very worried about my little guys, I’m equally worried about sending the two boys back to her. I think I’m going to have the vet check both of them out. Treat or fix everything that isn’t right with them, and get a separate area for them. They both have a few problems that I’m very concerned about. The first one being their bellies are very bloated. If they have worms, I’ll treat all 10 of them, today. We left the boys all together for a few hours last night. The tension is much less thinner than it was yesterday. If they don’t have worms then there is something else going on with them. They are huge! They never thinned down or started to look hungry at all. Not even in my middle of the night trip to the farm. I had a really bad feeling that pushed me to go to the farm at 2:45am this morning. Everyone looked to be comfortable and nothing amiss. I checked not only the goats, but the pigs, kitties, and rabbits. I still have an unresolved feeling of something being wrong. I can’t shake it. I do need to separate the big from the little goats. That is obvious. The big goats are going to need to have some feeding issues dealt with. If they don’t have worms, then they are going to need to be on a strict diet. I can’t do that if I give my babies free choice feeding. I also fixed the goat house so the big ones couldn’t get in there and kick the little goats out. But, I can’t take them back to her and live with myself. Something isn’t right with the goats or her. These big boys will be getting vaccinated and the young buck is going to be castrated. She will not be borrowing him for breeding purposes. I’m even contemplating turning her in for animal endangerment. I do understand going the wholistic route to treat minor illnesses a try before going the vet/medication route. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have their vaccinations and medical treatment when needed and wholistic fails. I will find them a different home before I send them back to her. She may be trying her very best, but that doesn’t explain a whole lot of issues that I’ve noticed in the last 12 hours. First job this morning is to deworm them all, separate the big from the small, and get the vet to look at the big ones. It’s a bit odd, but it’s the wether that seems to be bully, ruler of the roost, and not as nice to the little guys. The buck is much nicer to the babies. But he’s going to be fixed as well. I’m sure not letting her breed him either. I can’t risk sending him to her for a month or so. Well, gotta go and feed the babies and tend to all ten goats. And see if Thelma the pig has gone into labor yet. In case anyone is wondering if we have a place to put the big guys in, we do. It just needs to be cleaned up and a couple of adjustments made. Basically raise the another 6-12 inches. That will be easy to do. Have a great day. Take some time to enjoy the day if the weather is nice there for you. Carla

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
It's OK... I'm used to being the "bad guy"... Even as a kid, I always got the blame (& the punishment)... :\
You are a pretty cool and standup kind of guy. The more I read in your journal the more in awe I am about you as a person, father, veteran, and common sense risk taker. If there is such a thing. You rock!

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
We try to use a meds only as needed but I know of a few who claim to do things completely holistically and their losses are staggering.

You are taking on a lot with the larger animals and there's a good chance it won't end well if they can't have separate enclosures.
Completely agree.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Girl, you got your hands FULL ! I love Nubian goats....that being said, she wants you to keep one intact so she can breed him ? And hands them over to you stating they haven't had any vacanations and may have worms....and they are picking on your other kids ???? may want to really think about the Nubian goats going back where they came from and stay focused on getting your kids settled in for winter....sometimes are hearts are bigger than our brains...i know i am quilty of that....the bigger ones (especially the intact male ) will be your dominant one in your herd.... feed costs are going to go up, vet costs and if your keeping them inside, more mess to clean and more bedding....i understand your compassion for them, but i am comcerned for you taking on a whole lotta male goat care, while you have the little guys, and your own health issues let alone a suggestion would be tell her the two nubians are not going to work out and have to leave asap...make yourself your outside goat space for what you have now, put a plan together of what you want to do with goats...rescure is very commendable , but you need many seperated areas to keep goats apart, for new commers, sick ones, smaller ones and larger ones....and on and on. It goes.....this was not a lecture, criticism or anything ment to hurt your feelings. I just don't want you to be heartbroken if your little guys get hurt or sick and die ...I'm only telling you because i care....maby someone else has a better solution for you.....take care of yourself first....hugs ghost whisper and mini horses and the other larger goat people who rersponded to your other post....
You couldn’t be more correct on your assessment of the situation. I can’t in good conscious take them back to her. I think she’s negligent of their care. They will be separated today from the rest. The buck is going to be castrated, and once I get their belly/worm issue resolved they will be going on a diet if the belly doesn’t go away after worming them. I may also give them an antibiotic just to be on the safe side. I will find them a different home before I’d send them back to her. I think reasonable accommodations can be made that will suit both big and small. But they can’t stay in that area together. It’s not going to happen. I do have a very big soft spot in my heart for animals in need. But once I have them, they won’t be going back to the previous owners. Especially if they weren’t able to provide them the care they needed. I’m going to be putting money and time into them, I already have. They aren’t going back to a bad home. I just can’t do it. I have learned one lesson out of this, no two. First being there is nothing mini about Mini Nubians. Second ly, if the deal seems to good to be true, you’re getting yourself suckered into someone’s problems. The big boys were well loved, that’s obvious. But, they have not gotten the care they needed. Why, I’m not sure. But, I can’t let her have them back.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
The best thing about advice is, you can take it or leave it....wishing you the best and let us know how things unfold....:pop
I will most definitely do that. I know the lady loved her goats. You can tell by the way they attention from me and Abigail. If I thought she would be providing them a better home than we are going to try and give them, that’s where they would go. I know we aren’t the perfect. As we are really new at this, and we don’t have unlimited funds to be taking in any more goats that need help or new homes. At least not until spring when we will have a much better setup for goats. I truly don’t think they are getting the vet care they need. That may be why she gave them to me. She knew they weren’t getting what they needed. I could move them into a better situation, but I can’t sensibly send them to a place where they would receive less care than we can provide. I hope that makes some sense. I know what I’m trying to say. But, I don’t think I got my thoughts out this morning. But, you did bring out a whole lot of valid points and things we are going to need to address immediately. Thank you for your thoughts, concerns, and input. I do value them.