Cavy question?? New one!

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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fortheloveofgoats said:
I have read that it's not good for you to breed older guinea pigs, meaning 1 and older. Is this true? Why? I read it's because their is a bone that closes when they get older. Is that right? Sorry I don't remember the name of the bone.
I guess guinea pigs are like rabbits. A Doe needs to be bred before their 1 year old because of their pelvis. If she is bred too late, babies have a hard time passing.

Are you thinking of breeding guinea pigs? I know it would be neat for you to have at least one litter.

BTW, hope you don't mind. Took a pic of our inside set up for the bunnies. What do you think? Maybe give you some ideas for your girls.




Overrun with beasties
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow, that's exactly right. So yes, rabbits and guinea pigs are alike. I reread that book that I read that in, and it said that there is a good chance that you would have to put the mom through surgery, if not, there is a good chance that you loose everyone. :( To be honest, I was thinking about getting at least one bred, but when I did some reading on the internet, there was a website that made me want to do the whole guinea pig rescue for sure. you don't have to read all of it or even look at if you don't want to. It made me think though, and I don't want to do any type of breeding with the girls or any guinea pig. It's just like breeding dogs. How could I feel right breeding a female dog when there are so many in the shelters and they are dieing because no one wants to adopt them. CL and other websites upset me so much. So many people looking at their female dog as money. They don't even think about what's going to happen to their pups. Sorry about that, I got carried away. I love your set up, that's a great idea doing it in the living room. I love seeing the treats in the background. :lol: What are the tubes that you have together? I need to buy a pen. So I am still not seeing the girls drink a lot. How do I get them to use the water bottle? Can I rub a fruit on it, so they will at least smell it? Now that we know our kids are so much alike, I hope that we can keep talking. Any toy ideas you have, PLEASE send them my way. I love pictures and stories too! Have a great day today. :bun


Chillin' with the herd
Nov 26, 2011
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i am a licensed vet tech. alot of people think you need to give extra vit c to cayvys which i true. the thing people dont realize is it has to be in the form of FRESH fruits and veggies. the vitamins that are added to their food and water supplement breaks down and by the time you are giving it to them it is usally not as potent if it is good at all. fresh veggies and fruits are the only way to go


Overrun with beasties
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
nstilwater said:
i am a licensed vet tech. alot of people think you need to give extra vit c to cayvys which i true. the thing people dont realize is it has to be in the form of FRESH fruits and veggies. the vitamins that are added to their food and water supplement breaks down and by the time you are giving it to them it is usally not as potent if it is good at all. fresh veggies and fruits are the only way to go
Thank you so much. See that's what I thought. I don't like to take vits because I think that the way we should get them is through fruits and veggies, so I wanted to do the same for the girls. So that's what I plan on doing. Thank you.