Chickens really- My adventure into Goats

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Have you considered using lattice, fence wire, hardware cloth or rabbit wire to cover the window ?
On the inside it has Hardware cloth. Although I'm still a bit concerned about Ozzy jumping with his full weight against the wire and then hitting the glass pane. Possibly I'm worrying too much? He is a very curious and busy boy. Up to something all day.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
On the inside it has Hardware cloth. Although I'm still a bit concerned about Ozzy jumping with his full weight against the wire and then hitting the glass pane. Possibly I'm worrying too much? He is a very curious and busy boy. Up to something all day.
If you have a extra piece of lattice to use, that may ease the worry for you :hugs :thumbsup


True BYH Addict
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
Duluth, GA
We have nigerian dwarfs and a mini nubian, we feed free access to hay, minerals, fresh water and they each get a cup of Dumor goat feed twice a day...none are with kids. at the moment or pregnant, I will start giving them a half cup of BOSS once a day now as I will be breeding them in a few months...sometimes they also get some alpha pellets...but right now we are working on losing a little weight for healthier goats and easier pregnancies.
Other people may feed differently but this is what is working really well for our climate (nasty hot humid florida) and the girls are rockin it with their new (lesser amount of feed) diet....
I honestly was over feeding them...big mistake as I believe that one of the causes for Bellas prolapse was weight during pregnancy.....I had to put her down when she prolapsed and lost two kids and Bella.....

I’m pretty sure that over feeding is Dixie’s problem. The vet said no grain except the last month of pregnancy and while lactating And even then, Dixie may not be able to have it. I have to start checking her ketone levels. Should be fun trying to get a ruing strip under a goat while urinating.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I’m pretty sure that over feeding is Dixie’s problem. The vet said no grain except the last month of pregnancy and while lactating And even then, Dixie may not be able to have it. I have to start checking her ketone levels. Should be fun trying to get a ruing strip under a goat while urinating.
Attach the strip to a fly swatter and catch it while she squats....less bending and cleaner hands for you :)

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Good morning everyone. :frow
Our weather has been very wet this past month. I'm down to 8 bales and my hay supplier hasn't been able to cut anything with all the rain. I hope he can get it done this week or I'm going to try and locate another supplier that delivers. That will mean the hay isn't local and I'll be paying more. :barnie.
I'm going to be opening up the fence that separates the two goat yards in the next couple of days. First I have to figure out a way to be able to open and close it if needed? Only temporary until I know Fancy and Ozzy won't injure my little goats. Levi is getting really Bossy with baby Pearl and chases her from the hay. I'm going to get livestock tether rings installed in my goat Shed/Coop for when I feed crumbles/pellets. Each goat will get tied during their meals. Also I'm going to get a manger built outside for my hay feeder. It has to be accessible from both sides to allow them all to eat without arguing. Plus I need to buy a water trough. Right now I use pails for water.
Vet told me to keep waiting for Levi's business to fall off. 🤔 So I'm still waiting. He has no swelling or smell so I guess he is okay still.
Yesterday I sat in the goat pen with Levi and Pearl. She is the sweetest little girl I have ever seen. She put her little hooves up on my lap so I scooped her up and held her. She tucked her little head into my neck and cuddled me. I can honestly say her and Fancy are my favourite goats. Fancy was so skittish when I got her. She would hide in her dog house when I was in the pen. She definitely didn't take long to become attached to me. Ozzy was always a friendly kid. He gives kisses. Levi finally is coming around after all the scary things I have done to him. He lets me pet his neck although only a couple of strokes and he leaves.
My Pal asked me if I want a couple of Pullets for eggs. I definitely do not want anymore chickens. I'm totally enjoying my life without Birds. 👍

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
My back is starting to feel better during the day and I'm able to do most things now. Although sleeping isn't great yet. My ribs are sore still so I can't sleep on my side and I have to sleep on a fluffy comforter folded in half and about 3 pillows too. :barnie
I only need the muscle relaxers when I wake up and when I go to bed. I take Advil twice during the day. 👍🤠
I'm going to town today I have a bit of running around to do. 🚙

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Finally there is no rain in the forecast till Monday. I hope the gods are on my side and the hay supplier gets it cut and off the field. :fl
I have no idea what he wants for a full stack this year? Hopefully not an arm and a leg.
My Pal and his girlfriend are in the mist of Kidding season at their place. He sent me pictures of all his new babies. They are so adorable. He has all my Birds at his place. He also has my Rabbit. Or I mean he possibly used to have or still has my Rabbit? They don't know if she is still there. She escaped and was living under the sheds.
Hilarious story about my Rabbit. She was a lop Rabbit. My Son bought her for me a few years ago. Thought she was a male because the pet store said it was a male and I never looked.
I named it Bunny Boy but grew tired of the Rabbit and felt sorry for it living in a prefab chicken coop. Gave Bunny Boy to my Pal. He was breeding rabbits so took him home and put him in with another Rabbit. About 4 days later I felt terrible and missed Bunny Boy so off I went out to his place and got my Rabbit back. All was good. Well a month later I went to do my weekly Rabbit cleaning and when I opened up the house there was a nest of hair. I was so 😳 Shocked! I quickly closed the door and came into the house. Then just a quickly I went back outside and put my hand done into the nest of hair. Holy smokes the hair was covering babies. I almost fainted! Bunny Boy was a Momma of 5 adorable little babies. My pals Rabbit wasn't a Doe and Bunny Boy wasn't a Buck. :gig I gave away all my Bunnies. It was so fun watching the Bunnies grow up and they went at 8 weeks old. 🐰
The following spring Bunny Boy went back to my Pals permanently. She was still there this spring running loose. They can't catch her. Now with all the plant/weed growth they don't know if she is still there?
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chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Have you considered using lattice, fence wire, hardware cloth or rabbit wire to cover the window ?
Hello. The window is wired tight and a good distance from the window pane on the inside. My Husband thinks we should get the see through plexiglass pane to put over the window on the outside because wire will not properly protect the glass from a goat. Plus it will let in the sunshine and provide heat from the sun in the winter. 👍

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