Chickens really- My adventure into Goats

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
They were some real characters for sure....the white one was in the 100lb range and the buckskin was in the 80lb range....they were co-horts in crime and worked together.... :lol: :gig
Ozzy is my only trouble maker. He gets himself into mischief the second I let him out to run around free in my yard. I'm not sure what my goats weight is? I'd guess Fancy and Ozzy are about 50lbs?
This morning I went down to let the big Dogs out for their morning bathroom break. Finn was on the other side of the gate and not in the dog area. Ever since the fireworks he has been found outside of the dogs area. I better get plan B set up so he can't sneak past the fence in the basement. :barnie
The people next door had company yesterday afternoon and into the night.
That's not the problem. The problem is they allow their friends to bring their dogs too. Those dogs that come are not familiar with my dogs or goats. I had my Goats out on pasture until those Dogs started barking and running the fence line scaring my goats. They came running to me full tilt. Bindi flew up through the pasture, hackles raised barking her alarm. I got the goats put back into their yards and then had to call Bindi back to the house. All the time it sounded like a dog fight through the fence. :barnie
Then Bindi and Finn went and stood ground up behind the goats Coop/shed barking and growling. The people next door never call off the dogs and when they do try to call them back from barking and running the fence the dogs don't listen anyways. 😳
My Dogs listen to me. I allowed Finn and Bindi to protect the goats and the property for about 10 minutes and I hope the people next door enjoyed it. 😜😂
The guy next door has a friend that brings a huge black Lab male dog over that is about as smart as a stick! That dog has zero training or social skills. He is aggressive to other dogs. He got Lucy 2 years ago and ripped her belly by picking her up and shaking her. She had bite marks on her back too. I was selling Ducklings that day and when the person left I saw blood all over the sidewalk and on the steps in the house. I thought Old Mutsy must of cut her foot? Nope it was Lucy. She was bleeding from the belly bites. I rushed her to the Vet. I told the guy next door if we ever see that dog on our property we will shoot him. His dog and that dog used to try to chase and get my Birds. I have a fence now between our two properties.
When the guy next door calls his dog he repeats his name 15 time. Jango, Jango, Jango etc and of course the dog doesn't listen. :thIt takes me 2 seconds to get his dog to listen to me. Stupid dog tried to charge me one day so I picked up a stick and chased him back home. 🤠
I know I am ranting this morning and for give me. I just don't know why they insist on allowing their friends to bring loaded guns to a gathering that could possibly harm my animals. They call them puppy parties and when Bindi was still a pup I had to go get her and tell them she doesn't belong there. That one day they may not want her there but she won't understand why not. Always best to train your dogs boundaries. 👍🐶


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
I think your neighbors dogs are probably smarter than a stick, but the owners are dumber than a box of rocks. That sort of people/dog behavior really aggravates me too.
The neighbor kids would sometimes come visit and their dogs would follow them. I always made them take them home. The dogs chased my goats around the outside of their pen and charged my chicken pen. I told them if their dogs came over and did that again I would send them (dogs) home bloody, even if they were accompanied by the kids when they did it. Of course they think I am mean to dogs, but I don't care. When I visit the neighbors I leave my well behaved dogs home.

Which dog is Lucy?

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Got my Hay! :weee

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Hello.. :frow
I had a fantastic day yesterday. I am so relieved I got my hay. Right when it was getting dropped off it began to rain. It wasn't a heavy rain and lasted about 3 minutes. It kept threatening to rain as my husband was stacking the bales. Crazy because as soon as he finished it poured rain! 🌧⛈😳
I spent my time Brushing out Kupid and picking grass for Teddy. ❤️🐴🐴
I also swept my barn and got rid of cob webs.

This ruined my Day yesterday. :barnieMy Son who will be 30 on Saturday called my youngest Son crying and telling him he rolled his car. 🙁 He didn't get hurt which is amazing. No sense no feeling! I won't get into details because there is no point. I'm just glad he isn't hurt or dead. 😟
The car is totalled though. :th