I have a goat that has a hard abscess on the side of the neck where I gave a CL vaccine last weekend. There is puss coming out and it is very hard. The goat has a temp of 101.6F. Could this be a side effect of the vaccine? A infection? If it is a infection what can I do? I don't have a vet. I live in CA and I can't get LA200. Is there any other broad spectrum antibiotic that doesn't need RX in CA? What should I if it is a side effect. I have been giving her antibacterial cream and bluekote and some nutridrench as a booster.
I have a goat that has a hard abscess on the side of the neck where I gave a CL vaccine last weekend. There is puss coming out and it is very hard. The goat has a temp of 101.6F. Could this be a side effect of the vaccine? A infection? If it is a infection what can I do? I don't have a vet. I live in CA and I can't get LA200. Is there any other broad spectrum antibiotic that doesn't need RX in CA? What should I if it is a side effect. I have been giving her antibacterial cream and bluekote and some nutridrench as a booster.