CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I totally agree and I have plenty of experience around kids and adults with it, but when I try to aid the situation...I just get ignored or yelled at by the adults because it isn't what They want or plan to do. I have told them til I'm "Blue in the Face" about how water and electricity doesn't mix....but every time I go up there the extension cord is plugged to the pool pump either under the hose, or with in a couple of feet where they are squirting and splashing. When I say something it is always....oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it....Duh. When the kids are running in and out of the house the door is left Wide open....with adults sitting right there or coming and goung without any effort to close the door. If I had teeth, I wouldn't have a tongue....cause I'd have already bit it Off. I go overboard to not upset the apple cart, but when I do....all He** breaks loose. I was a hyper ADHD child before they ever came up with any of that stuff, but it is no excuse for not acting or doing properly. I don't tell others how to raise their children, but it sure seems to me the lessons of "Respect" have left several yrs ago and are definitely on the endangered species list. I zip my lip just for Peace, but every once in a while it comes loose....:)


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
That is very true, a lot of kids these days are rude and disrespectful. That's because the parents tolerate it. My kids are not rude, and if they slip up, I nip it fast.
Our pool pump has a gfi, I always worry about it regardless, but that all seems to be fine. Sounds like ya need a cold beer and to kick your feet up.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
No grandchildren here yet but I worked in a school as an IT director for 8 years and had to teach a computer class...does that count? The main problem with kids today is not the is the parent. I have a lot more tolerance for a child that is ADHD and the parent knows it, accepts it, and acts accordingly than I do for a non ADHD child that is a pampered, ill behaved, spoiled brat and the parents accept that behavior as normal.

Maybe there was no diagnosed ADHD when I was a child because we still had recess and PE and spent our days and summer evenings playing ball, swimming, riding bikes, building forts, roller skating, etc. The TV was on only if I was sick. I never sat still but it wasn't because I couldn't, I was just too busy being a kid and loving life.

@CntryBoy777 I think you should move to CA to get out of the humidity. :)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well Bruce....sometimes when ya "Pop a Top" it is so good and goes down rather quickly and when ya turn around to get another out of the fridge or freezer ya are astounded that it is the Last one....thinking that someone else has been partaking, but then ya realize ya are the only one and the cans/bottles are all in the garbage can....and ya always wish ga had just 1 more....:)

AC there are those 8 hrs of sleep to account for, so there is a span there that the "Half Hour Rule" has to be applied, cause ya always want to stay Ahead of the "Curve"....not making up ground....:lol:

Babs, I will say it is beautiful, lovely, and wonderful in the climate there, but it didn't take very long, while driving a truck, for me to realize that Cali is not just another state...but a whole different country when that border is crossed. I'd be broke just paying the Taxes, and what just comes natural to me, is against laws and ordinances, I would only add to your "Headache" of supporting another that is "Locked Up" for breaking those laws and damaging the "Fragile" environment there....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
:celebrate :weee.....all are on their way....:thumbsup
Peace and Quiet never sounded so Good. Will probably take a day or 2 off, but back to putting the finishing touches on the setup. On the duck front, we have 4 hens setting on eggs now....and their nest mound has certainly Grown.... IMAG2399.jpg it is. Not really sure how it is all going to turn out, but it is going to be quite interesting to find out....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We moved Calli up to the house this morning, and she is a bit overwhelmed and has stayed under a bed most of the day. We are keeping her upstairs, so she can have time to adjust on the one floor. She has caught 3 mice the past couple of wks in the trlr, so she should have a Blast up there when she adjusts. In thinking of this earlier, it triggered a memory of a time about 20yrs ago....I was a Whse Mgr for a food supplier and in that position, I oversaw the rodent control with the pest company. So, anyway, I got some glue boards from the pest guy and gave them to Mom....even set some out for her. I happened to be there and asked if sh needed more, yet...she said no....okay.....then, I saw one on a board and picked it up and thru it away in the garbage. The next day Dad was getting the garbage together to put out. I happened down the stairs and Dad was sitting down on them and was hunched over.....I asked him what he was doing and he said trying to vet this mouse out of the trap, so it can be reused....:gig:lol:......I said Dad those are to be tossed out, they are disposable....he didn't agree. So, I had to stop bringing them because he continued to peel the mouse off the board. He has a chest of drawers in his storage is full of worn out flappers and ballcocks from toilets....cause ya might find a Use for them.....Lord!!!.......old rusted bolts with nuts rusted to them that Liquid Wrench can't touch....:gig.....There was never was a dull moment with him around, before he made the turn "Downhill". But ya couldn't tell him all, he just wouldn't listen......:)

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