I'm down to my last 8 fresh eggs, still have 9 frozen. Going to be pretty lean on Sunday mornings unless some of the 1.5 Y/O girls decide to go back into production when they have finished moulting.
Ahhhh...when they finish. I feed Xtra protein to help quicken, they love mealworms. 1.5 y/o should lay more but, weather can also slow them. My young pullets who began laying late summer are doing well, maybe 5 eggs vice 7 per week. The older gals, may lay 2 days & off one, or every other day for another month when they'll get back into full production. So one day I may get 7 and the next 12, etc.
Some people add lights in AM to lengthen their day which is supposed to give more eggs. I just let them rest a little and they reward me 8-9 months a year with full production. By doing that I find they lay well for 3 years, then slower. And some hens do better in winter than others.
I like to add new pullets each year. Buy chicks in the spring, then in the fall, they start laying and take up the slack from the older girls. I used to add 6 sex links each year and butcher the oldest 6 in the fall when they started their second molt. I gave away most of my chickens before we moved and am now back to a full coop.
We are having success mainly due by getting them the beginning of June this past yr...so, they have missed their 'Seasonal Molt'...and by having the ducks we are hoping they will take up some of the slack....tho, I know Bay doesn't like em, but they sure have endeared theirselves to us...and yes they are Messy, but we have a perfect area for them to be Messy in....and since we tend to 'Cater' to our animals, we have tried to place them in a 'Comfortable Environment' for them to be just what they are....Waterfowl....
This coming summer will be first time in many years that I have to butcher older ones. Went with no birds for a while, then a small flock of 10, some drop outs, then a (now dead) possum took last 6 . Began again, about 50 now, and add pullets each year to replace oldies.
I suspect Bay will do butchering this year. I know I will add & butcher. HOPE that I will have my Buff Orps sit again and hatch a new flock for me -- both their own eggs (BO roo) and some from other hens. Excess roos will also see "the pot". It's not my fav thing to do but, feed costs for them and me.......besides, how many do I need?? They have a good life while in my care.
Here, I sell some, give some to friends, neighbors and those who just have a need. What goes around, comes around.
Well, we have decided that if/when we have one 'Set', we'll give her some to set on...even some duck eggs....tho, neither are a yr old get...and won't be til around June 1st...so, we're not expecting it anytime Soon, but when it does we will 'Cycle' too....right now we only have Wyandottes, but not limited to just them....but, 11 is all we can Handle right now, along with the goats and ducks....until some more Fence is up....gonna work on the Bird yard tomorrow hopefully and separate the ducks and chickens....would run them together, but both have proved they can 'Top' the fence...so, don't wanna be Chasing em all over the place if they stir each other Up and both get a few Out....
It wasn't too bad out today...as long as ya wasn't standing in the Wind.......it was a bit Gusty and had a chill in it....wking in the shade 'Mucking Out' the duck pen kept me Warm with the 'Windbreak'....got some pics of the Boys....just the other day, on another 'Thread' I mentioned about the goats 'Smeller'....or nose....and how they Know when ha are Toting pellets...and which pocket they are In, before ga get close...I got Proof.... this is Comet 'Nipping' at my pocket...after I signaled to him the Hands were Empty....here's another with Lightning... he thinks the foot...My foot...is the Button to 'Push' for Treats....they are so mistreated.....
Well, with chickens that get out, they will return to their roost at dusk. Mine will even roam with others out from another pen and they always go back to their "own" coop at night. I have 2 roos who will run with the hens all day, returning to their own roost at night...NOT by the hens. Yep, they come to the party alone and leave the same way.