CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Well I got some news today. My sister has placed my Dad on a waiting list for a nursing home close to where she lives. She has got him using a walker and his recall memory is quickly fading. She has 5 children and a bunch of grandkids, they stopped in at different times for the holidays and said Dad was a total terror during it, so it is the best for all concerned.
This means that I am less hesitant about moving to the house and will probably be up there in about a month or so. We are taking our time cleaning, rearranging, and setting it up area by area instead of hauling things up there and no where to put it. So, between taking care the animals having to make trips out for stuff from the stores and giving out eggs we will be working on things up there. :) Oh, and I'll be working on the fence too.
Most of the bad weather stayed south of us thank Goodness; they had a tornado down Jackson way, about 170mi S of here. They reported damage but no injuries. It is suppose to be decent weather tomorrow, but then another chance of rain, then Cold by Thurs-Fri time with a chance of some Flakes; guess the idiots will be out emptying the shelves here. It truly is hilarious to see them "Freaking Out":gigOh well we all need entertainment from time to time. Now for the biggest News....Joyce has fallen in Love with Mel, Maisy, Merlin, well I guess ya get the picture (would've listed more) but, those are the pics I've shown her and have seen some GP on Craigslist in the area so may start looking for one from a decent situation....:celebratemy first Dog in about 18-19yrs....:th:weee:ep :thumbsup just in case ya couldn't tell I'm quietly EXCITED!!...while she is watching TV....:gig So if ya are looking for me....I'll be lurking in the Guardian threads soaking up info....and oh yes, asking Questions!! ;) :fl:woot:thumbsup


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Since you're not as young or mobile as you once were, be real selective and especially careful with rescue animals. LGDs are pretty big, powerful, independent, and will quickly take over your life if you let them, and it isn't so hard to do! :love Mel's a big love bug, but when I take him outside the yard fencing onto the property, there's no getting him back inside until he's investigated the entire property line, whether that's my intention or not. And I do have to grumble at him if he decides he wants to cross under the fence at wash outs. As he's gotten braver I've pretty much decided not to do that anymore until all the existing perimeter fence has been replaced and electrified. Folks around here shoot strays.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
That's good news! Read up on the LGD forum, lots of info there. I read everything I could find, so when Paris came to us, I wasn't TOTALLY ignorant, just kinda ignorant. :clap


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well we are on the weather "Rollercoaster" again, but are on the "Downhill" side of it now with dropping temps. We are suppose to be in the 20's for the next 5 nights with a possible accumulation of up to a half inch of snow Thurs night and Friday morning. The highs will be in the mid 30's to low 40's so it won't be hanging around to long, but will post pics while it is here. :) Speaking of pics, I got a couple yesterday from the area to be fenced towards the house, so ya can see the line of sight, and the front porch..... IMAG1427.jpg IMAG1428.jpg I was standing just about on the soon to be fence line.
There is some work to do on the front porch, but we are thinking about enclosing a portion of it and screening the rest. Joyce wants to have a place for aome Tropical plants and I would like to have a small wood stove, so we could have a fairly decent sitting area other than the picture window. Still reading and researching about dogs, so will be a bit before making a decision, I like to take some time and not rush into things. :thumbsup


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
That's a good idea and I like the unit. It would be better on the backporch....thinking of the wood stove in the enclosed end so when the next big ice storm comes in we'd have a heat source available at anytime. We have plenty of wood around here, and love the smell. It would only be a 2-Eye about knee high, may not be used very often but there if needed. The house has a 1,000gal propane tank so it will last a while, but is also cooking and hot water source too.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
So, I decided today to share some Fresh stuff ya haven't seen before here. It has been briefly mentioned about the road we live on in some posts early on in the Adventures, but ya have never seen any of it, so I got a couple of pics of each direction to share...just so ya can see just what is seen from the road...:gig....IMAG1432.jpg our property is to the left in this pic, and my drive is at the bottom of the hill in the bright spot on the road. I am standing in the drive that goes to the house. IMAG1434.jpg this is looking in the opposite direction and between where I am standing and the drive on the right is the property line. Everything on the other side of the road is fields and woods. They mainly grow soybeans and milo in the fields here, cotton and corn or in other fields off this road. It is corporate farming and they watch the land like Hawks, because they charge people to hunt there. There are hundreds of miles of roads like this all over this area of Ms and with the tree cover it would be very difficult to pinpoint by the pics...:) Just wanted to prove to ya I ain't lying when I refer to living in the "Sticks", it is much more than just a is Reality.:lol: There are many that travel the roads with chainsaws in their vehicles just to clear the roads of trees, limbs, and branches that fall and block the path thru....after storms there are chainsaw Parties in the roads...:gigneighbors helping neighbors, and can't wait for paid road crews to clear it all. These are the only directions out of here so ya gotta do what ya gotta do...:)

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Our rural community in Pensacola was like that. After every hurricane about a dozen of us would clear about a mile of down trees. We were at the end of the electrical grid so we could be without power for 2-3 weeks or more. We were 32 days after Hurricane Ivan which sat offshore without moving for about a day just beat our little community up.

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