Oooops!!....I almost forgot....guess "who" turned 2yrs old today....... .....ya can see her topcoat growing back....she was shedding it anyway....she is as active as ever and she is maturing into a listener, but still likes to talk back some....she has done it since she was born, and the reason we call her Gabbie..........the weather is fixing to cool off some...down to the low, will get some fuel pushed thru the saw and get some measurements "staked" for some corner posts.....I'm gonna get a couple of "stretches" placed to make it easier to contain her from the road....while we are working to get it completed.....when I was in the 4th grade, my dog was hit by a dump truck on a gravel road...right in front of me....she was a gsd also, so I get a bit ancey when she is off lead in the front I'm gonna get that area done first....I really can't wait to get started....but we are almost there....there will be big "changes" coming as we "mold" the Lazy A** Acres here....
I had Gabbie out earlier and noticed the loquats are just starting to push bloom buds out and after this storm moves thru and out we have a decent break in the weather coming....if it holds off raining tomorrow I'll get some cutting done with the saw, need to do some raking and then mowing..........I thought I'd share just what it is like to sit behind Gabbie and to be "protected" from the game fowl in the distance..... .......couldn't feel any Safer, I tell ya!!.....